chaoter 36

306 11 11

Mui pov

"Please.. Do be careful, keep you phone in you, okay?" Yui asked me, I had my stuff packet to head to genyas after school

"Yes, I know, now don't worry, I'll be okay, I don't know why you're so stressed- its a visit, I'll only stay overnight if I feel safe, I'm not a dumbass"

He just breathed in, and nodded, hugging me, "Please be safe-"

I've never seen Yui this soft.. He's always scary- or rude.. What's with him?

"Yes, I will be, come on, we have to head to school-" I said, Yui nodded, and we started walking as he tied his hair up, "do you have a hair tye?" I asked, he shook his head, "only this one, what subjects do you have?" "Ah, no no, just since my hair looks a bit weird today"

"Hm? No it looks good, just a bit wavy, which is pretty"

"Ehh.. It is?" "Yeah- you have super shiny hair, it looks nice when it's wavy"

"Maybe, I didn't realise it was-" "Mhm, mamas genetics"

He ran his finger through my hair, "Nah, seems good, just don't stress about it, plus, I'm sure genya will think it's pretty" "hopefully.." "Is that why you wanted it to look nice-" "just in general, I don't want to look like shit-"

"You look fine, don't freak out about it"

"You sure?" "Yes, it looks nice, you have good hair" "Alright.."

We continued walking until we reached school, we saw genya and sanemi so we went over to them, and genya piggy backed me the rest of the way to school

Yui and sanemi were talking, I couldn't quite catch it.. But they were saying something for sure..

I tried listening in, "Is your father home tonight..?" "Yes? Why?"

"Yui, cut it out, I'm fine.." I said, he just stared at me, before nodding and shutting up, "I'm just worried-" "I know, but please, let me have s night with genya, it'll be alright, you can go to senjiros?"

Sanemi rolled his eyes, "How about that little shit just doesn't come over?" "No, I'd like him to stay" "fine, whatever, it's just his brothers being annoying, he clearly doesn't want him to go-" "I'm not annoying!"

Yui was almost half the size of this dude.. And getting mad at him- it was kinda funny..

Sanemi rolled his eyes, "Whatever, femboy" "the fuck did you call me?" "Chill out dude, it's a compliment, see? Mui gets dudes all over him, pft! Even your uncles friends!"

Everyone just paused and went silent after that, Yui gave sanemi an awful glare

"I may not have parents, but at least my father doesn't abuse me and abuse the right of having alcohol.. Oh, not to mention the fact your mother literally left you? How sad, really.. I feel really bad for you" he said with a petty expression, making it clear he actually didn't give a shit

"You little shit" "little like the amount of love your father has for you? Or shit reffering to how you smell?" Yui said, smiling

Sanemi grabbed yuis ponytail, using it to yank him back, "Shut up or you will regret that shit" "you aren't intimidating"

We all went silent again, before reaching the school


I started walking back with genya, "Soo, why don't we stop at the dairy?" He said, "get some drinks, food, try pull an all nighter?" He asked, I shrugged slightly, "we can get all that stuff, but I do kinda want sleep, haven't slept very well, douma got a room next to ours, and all we hear is him moaning and shit"

"Oh.. That's.. Cute-" "Adorable"

We continued looking through the isles, "how about icecream?" He asked, I nodded, "Sure sure," and we grabbed some

"You want a drink?" He asked, I nodded, he went to the fridge, grabbing monster energy

"You're allowed monster..?" "You arent-?"

"No no.. I kinda am? Ah, I don't know, just not the kind of thing I feel I'd be allowed to drink, plus, Yui would tell me it was satanic or something anyway-" genya giggled, "Eh, try it, I'd say get the peach one, it's quite subtle"

I stared at it, before going down and getting green tea instead

"Boringgg" genya laughed, before we walked to the counter and paid

We then started walking to genyas.. I must admit.. I was a little nervous..

Was Yui right? I can just go home if I need to, no worries- right?

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