chapter 38

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I hope that didn't shock you guys that much.. Uh.. Yeah- yippee??

Mui pov

Genya brought me upstairs.. I was still.. Shocked..

It was short.. It actually was.. I couldn't believe it..

"Shit shit shit.. Do we call yuichiro? Are you going back home.. I'm do fuckitn sorry.." Genya kept repeating, he was so upset..

".. Genya, don't freak out, it's okay.. It was bound to happen.." "But it's my fault mui.. I brought you here..."

"Its oksy.. It is.. I chose to come.. It's my own fault.. Plus.. I made the choice"

Genya just grabbed his phone, "I'm so sorry.." He said, just staring blankly,

I shook my head, and hugged him, I felt him touch the back of my head during the hug.. "It's so short.." He said, I took his hand off my head, "it doesn't matter.. Oksy..?" I said, I had been crying.. Was I probably going to cry more..? Yes.. Yes I was..

"Just hug me.. It's okay.. Everything's okay.." I said, he started crying.. " it's all my fucking fault.. It's my fault.. It's my f-" "genya stop"

He was shower guilty.. I can get why.. But he needs to calm down..

"I might go home.. I'm sorry.. I need yui.. But you're welcome to come home with me.."

"No.. That's understandable.. I.. I'd need to if I were you too.." He said, I kissed him, "I love you so much.. Okay?" I said, genya nodded, "just.. Please.. Be safe.. Please don't blame yourself.. Don't hurt yourself.. Nothing.. Please"

Genya just put his head until my shoulder..

"I'm gonna call yui now.. Okay..?"

He nodded, backing away, but holding my hand

I grabbed my phone to call him..

Hello? Mui?! You okay?!

I'm coming home, you'll know why when you see me.. I'm okay though ..

Can I talk to genya..?

He's just a bit worried right now..

No, I want to talk with him

He's walking me home, talk to him then

Fine.. Just- get home safe..

I will, I'll see you soon

"Come on, let's go.. Would you like to walk me back..?" I asked, he nodded, and we stood up to leave, "dad won't want you leaving.. You'll have to sneak out.."

I nodded, genya touched my hair, "I... I'm so sorry.." He said, I shook my head, "Stop apologizing.. It's okay.. Alright..?"

Its not okay.. I.. I can barely handle this shit.. I just don't need him blaming himself..

"... I just need to go home.. I'm sorry"

He nodded, and patted my head before we snuck out through a window

"I love you mui.. I'm.. I'm so-" "don't apologize.. It's okay.. I love you too.."

We walked back home.. It was kinda awkward.. We weren't really talking.. I can't believe I was so excited.. We both were.. And now we're walking me back home.. My hair short as ever..

I never thought it would actually get.. Cut.. It was weird..

"I.. Ah.." Genya spat out, I shook my head, "it's okay.. It is.. I'll just.. I'll have yui fix it up for me.. Okay?" I said, he nodded

I could tell how guilty he was.. I felt bad.. I really did..

"Well.. We're home, yui will ask you some stuff.. I'm sure of it.. So just stay for a bit"

He nodded, and we knocked on the door

"What happe- MUI YOUR HAIR-" Yui immediately opened the door, giving both of us a suprise..

Yui immediately hugged me, and looked all around my hair, he was absolutely, and utterly shocked-

"Who did this?! Was it you?!" He spoke at genya, who backed away while yui was making hand gestures st him, "N-No.. It.. It was my father.." "Why didn't you stop him?! You're meant to protect mui!" "He let it happen!" They argued between each other, until I confirmed I let him do it..

".. Why? Why would you let him?!" "I had no choice, okay? Can write just.. Get inside and fix it, I don't want to talk.."

Yui nodded, and sighed, looking st genya, "are you even going to go back? Clearly your father is out of control" he said in an angry tone, ".. I'm gonna talk to him.." "You fucking better"

Yui sighed, and stepped inside, "Well, you'll see each other on Monday, so, say your little the byes and kisses" yui said, he was super angry..

We nodded, and said bye to each other.. Genya apologized again, and touched my hair, I shook my head and told him not to worry.. Genya just smiled

"You'd look amazing with short hair anyway.. Ah.. Just please stay safe mui.." "I know, you too, don't go yelling at your father.. I don't want you to get hurt.." "Oh I'm going to, absolutely"

I said, and kissed genyas cheek, "Just.. Don't get hurt.. Please.." I said


"I swear to God! I knew something would happen, I knew it! Why the fuck did I let you go?!" Yui said angrilly, cutting my hair so it wasn't all chopped

"It's my fault.. I made you let me.. I went anyway- and please don't act like this with scissors near my hair, I don't want it messed up.." "I don't care if you went, that still means I let you! Augh, fucking hell, I am going to kill that cunt" he said, "he fucking guilt tripped you too, forced you, manipulated you! He is such a bitch!"  Yui said, taking a huge snip of hair while saying that final word

"Just.. Cut my hair- then rant, okay? I'm upset too.. Just.. Ah-" I said

"I know you're upset! You started crying when telling me what happened, fucking hell." He said, he kept snipping as I felt and saw my hair falling into my shoulders and falling off..

"I just.. I can't believe this happened, your hairs gonna take forever to grow back.." Yui said, cutting the back, "you have to be a different kind of devil to cut someone's hair, and he's exactly that, he abuses his sons, and one if their boyfriends.." He added

I took a deep exhale.. "It's fine.. Ah"

After a while he was done.. It was.. Definitely different.. Really different..

"Does it suit me..?" I asked, Yui looked st me and nodded, "it's gonna take a while for me to get used to your hair.. But it does, it suits you well"

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