chaoter 53

192 8 2

Ehm-.. Warning? Kinda being insecure, so yeah, I don't know if that needs a warning but just incase.

Went shopping and felt like this so I just wanted mui to as well, uh.. It's how I get my feelings out- sorry

Mui pov

Akaza had given yui and I some money to go out, get food, and go clothes shopping. 

We hadn't gone out clothes shopping for a while, we kinda just stuck to the same stuff since we still fit it, and would for a while until we grew again

But, since we both went through a lot recently, he wanted us to go and have a nice time.. I'm hoping to just get new shirts, sweat pants, and a cute hoodie or something. If I have s little left over money, I'll either give the rest back to him, or buy some LED strips, since I've wanted some for a while

We both got some snacks, I got some matcha, yui tried some sort of chewy bubble tea which.. I don't think he should have with his braces.. 

But whatever, he likes it, it's too sweet for me in my opinion, but he likes it

We sat down for a while before going to the store to count how much money we had

I still had 50 left.. He gave us a shit ton.. I was super grateful

Yui had 45 since his drink costed more due to all the extra stuff he added

“You good mui?” He asked, “are you allowed that with your braces?” I asked, he gave me a  face

“sh.. They won't know” “they won't until one of your brackets are broken..” 

He rolled his eyes, “it's fine mui, seriously, chill out, it's not like I'm gonna die if I dont do exactly as the dentist says- besides, they haven't broken yet and I've eaten stuff I'm not meant to for a while now”

I gave him an unamuzed face, “really.. You shouldn't be doing that-” “Who cares? Not me”

I just shrugged, “you should care” 

He rolled his eyes again, “Let's just go, our next stores not too far”

We started walking, and soon reached the shop, it was a clothing store, it was nice, 

“Ooo, yui do you think I'll suit this?” I asked him, he shrugged, “try it on? I can't really tell” he said, I sighed and nodded, before getting some other things to try on

I tried on the shirt and showed yui, he barely looked up from his phone

“Hm.. Suits you, yeah, is there a size bigger?” 

I immediately covered my stomach

“Does it look bad-?” I asked, he shrugged, “Looks a little tight, I'd say get a size bigger”

Wow, say what you think, huh?

“does it really..?” I asked, feeling well, as you'd think, pretty shitty.. “I'm wearing a jumper underneath, that might be it” “Take it off, then show me”

After taking it off, I showed him again

He furrowed his brows, “Nah, get a size bigger”

Man.. Maybe I should loose weight then? If my own brother thinks that

I immediately shrugged “K” I said, and went to go get a bigger size, he looked a bit surprised from such the dry response

He looked like he wanted to apologize.. But couldn't, he looked at me, before blinking and looking down

After that I didn't really want anything else, seeing that apparently it's just look bad, yui ended up buying a lot from that store.. Where as I got a shirt and matching bracelets for genya and I.. 

They were like.. Once you tied them on, they don't come off, I got a purple one for me, and a real one for him, so we have each other's colours

We went back and forth through stores, same old thing, me getting 3 times bigger shirts and shorts then I should.. I felt like shit, that comment completely ruined my self esteem, it really did.. 

I bought my strip lights, and we went back. I gave akaza all my change, yui had 5 dollars change left so akaza let him keep it, I had 30, since I barely baught anything

Just felt like shit really.. Shorty about juself and looks, my hair was enough, now I'm gonna worry about my weight.. Amazing.. 

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