chapter 81

145 8 14

Quick disclaimer, my dumbass lost the chap in between these two, so yeah, context, this is the next morning, sorry-

Yui pov

Mui was brushing his hair back with his fingers.. It was getting the tiniest bit longer.. Possibly long enough to do s tiny ponytail? 

“You're growing it out again?” I asked, slightly happy, I want him to grow it back out like before.. 

“No, I'm gonna cut it again, I don't want it long anymore” he said

My heart stopped.. 

“Huh.. You don't..?” “No, I want to move on.. I'm keeping it short.. Hair holds memories.. I don't want any more possibly upsetting memories to be held with me..” 

I looked st him sadly, “But.. Mama..” 

He shrugged, “I don't want it.. Keep yours long all you want, I don't want it”

I nodded and looked down, “I'm gonna cut it after school.. It's too long” he said, it made me upset.. It did.. 

We grew it for mama, she always wanted to have a child's hair to play with, when she had 2 sons, she didn't have a daughter who's hair she could do, so we kept ours long, just for her.. 

We swore we'd keep it long in memory of her after her death.. But I guess mui doesn't remember the promise.. Or maybe doesn't even care

It hurt me, I wouldn't ever forgive myself if I cut mine, or let it be cut, we have to keep it for mama, she'd be so devastated if she saw muis, I just know it.. 

She liked his better because.. Well, he let her do it, and I never did, I hated it.. I regret that so bad.. I wish she did, I wish I had memories of that, like mui would've.. 

I wish I was a cooperative child and didn't well.. Throw hairbrushes at poor mama when she tried brushing my hair.. I was.. A nightmare of a child

“Anyway, let's head to school” he said, grabbing his bag and closing the door behind him. 

I followed behind, grabbing my phone, sketchbook, and notebook, and popped them in my bag, heading off

“So.. You aren't talking to genya, okay?” I told him, he shrugged, “Depends..”

I stared at him, “No, I don't want you talking to him until both of you are calmed down, he's clearly still mad, I'm worried he'll do something to you” “And? It's fine” “it's not, trust me on this, okay?” I tried convincing him

He needs to wait until genyas ready.. Otherwise it could go down again, and there'd be a chance of them never talking again.. 

I want to keep mui protected, I don't want him talking to genya incase genyas angry, or not in the mood, because that could end horribly

Genya, he's strong, very strong, at any given moment, if he's pissed off, especially at someone so tiny and skinny like mui, it wouldn't go well, even when they were together I was worried about that.. 

Sure genya loved mui, a lot, but.. I was always worried one day he'd snap, snap and act like his his dad did to his mother.. 

..Except with him and mui-

And it always crossed my mind, if genya looked angry, or started being a bit rough, I kept a very close eye on him.. Sure it's creepy, but I'm always on the watch for mui, he's gone through a lot his whole life.. I don't need him going through anymore

He walked slightly in front of me, almost like he was trying to ignore me.. “Mui-?” 

He turned around and looked st me, “What's up? Have I done something?”

He shrugged, “I dont know, all I want to do is talk to genya and you won't even let me” “I'm keeping you safe..” “By what? Not letting me talk to someone?” “well yeah.. He could hurt you” 

He rolled his eyes, “im fine yui, seriously,stop stressing about me.. Okay? I can deal with my own stuff, I'm not a baby” “I know, just please, don't, give him space, you both need it”

He looked down,”I know that, I just want to try to see if we can talk it out…”

“You can't mui, not right now, give each other space, otherwise it could get heated, you need space, time to cool down before talking, okay?”

He snarled.. “Fine, but how long..?” “Depends, once genyas moved on and is calm, I'll talk to sanemi, I think he agrees, he wants you two to talk but not right now” “Yep..” 

“Just please don't, okay? Not until you two are ready” “I know, I won't, I'll just talk to tanjiro or something”

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