chapter 46

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Man I don't even know how mant chaps this thing will have before it ends-

Mui pov

It's the next day, Yui was meant to be back at school.. He still hasn't seen his braces, I think hes too scared to look

"Yui, we need to go get ready"



He hasn't talked.. Ever since we got home he hasn't opened his mouth or said a word, I don't think he wants us to see his braces

"Yui.. Come on-" I told him, grabbing his arm, but he pulled back, before putting his hand over his mouth

".. I'm not going to school.." He said, his hand remaining over his mouth, "Yui, you look fine.." "I fucking don't, I'll get to school, and people will already be on my ass! Fuck!" He outbursted, flinching, his braces had caught onto his cheek.. Must've hurt..

"You can't skip school today.. Come on, let's go" "No.. I'm not.." He spoke back to me, "Yui, they look good, they suit you, they really do, I know you're worried but we have to go, okay?" I said, he rolled his eyes

".. Fine" "But you're brushing my hair and putting it up, I refuse to look in a mirror.." He added

"I'm fine with that" I said, smiling at him, he stared at me, before looking down and grabbing his brush, "be careful, if you tug, you're dead" he said, I nodded and took the brush from his hands

I started to brush through his hair.. It made me remember when mine was long.. The haircut.. Man that hair cut was something else..

I mean, I knew it'd get cut, I knew it would some day, but, I wanted it to be like- me willingly wanting to do it, not being forced using peer pressure

Either way, it's fine, it's over now.. Plus, I actually like short hair.. It's a lot easier to look after and deal with, I think I'll keep it like this for a while

It'll look bad trying to grow it our anyway, it'll get to that really aquard length, around shoulders that just- looks bad, and that's what I don't want, so yeah, I'll keep cutting it short for now.. Only bad thing is well.. Mama, and the fact it'll always remind me of genyas dad, but other than that, it's refreshing

"Mui? You gonna brush it or just stare blankly st the wall for 10 more minutes?" Yui said sarcastically, "Ah, my bad, was thinking" "uh huh"

I continued brushing through this hair, before I was done, and quickly got up, he grunted, "Could you put it in a bun?" He asked, I stared at him, "Sure..?" I asked, going behind him, and quickly tung his hair into a message bun,

"I'm sorry, I'm just- I don't want to look in the mirror-" "I'm scared of seeing that I look like shit.." He added

I looked at him, "Oh- No no Yui please- you don't, they suit you, they really do-" I said, he sighed, "do you have My masks..? Like face masks? To cover my mouth?"

... Man..

"Even if I did, you aren't having them, you need to get used to your braces-"

"No, I'm covering them, no doubt about it, I'm not showing people, I'll get so badly bullied-"

Dude- "yui, you're okay- seriously, nothing will happen-"

We just went back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, nothing else was being said, nothnf about getting ready, or anything else, just yuis braces this, yuis braces that

I mean, come on, I know they must hurt, he'd be worried I can imagine, but hell be okay, they look good on him, they really do..

I mean, if I were in his place I'd hate it too, he's been through a lot.. That fight, was that my fault..? Probably..

"Let's just- go down stairs, akaza wanted me"

I nodded, before following behind him

We immediately walked down and saw all the upper moons.. Oh shit

"Ahh~ it's yuichiro guys, come on, give us a smile~" gyokko said, turning to yui and holding his mouth open

Yui tried shaking his head, moving gyokkos arms, but couldn't get out

He held gyokkos arms, gyokko is.. Surprisingly strong, so I understand why he's struggling

"Ohh, he's got braces huh? Was that from that fight of yours?" Kokushiibo spoke, "Fight..?" Gyuutaro replied

Fuck don't bring this shit up..

I swear to god-

I saw yui trying to talk from gyokko poking and pressing his gums and braces, "Hey- stop that-" I said, attempting to push gyokko off, but the others swarmed yui to look

Ah.. Poor yui.. I'll make sure he's okay..

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