chapter 78

192 8 61

Accidentally named 2 chaps 78 so uh.. Sorry

Genya pov

It took me a while to realise what I had actually done

About a week, and that's when it started to kick in..

I fucking hate it.

I have no one to go to, I don't have kisses, cuddles, nothing.

I didn't notice until I realised how upset and alone I felt without him.

Dad and sanemi are back st it again.. As always, fuck, I wish mui was here..

I don't know why I miss him, I hate him, I do, he fucking ignored me when I needed him most but goddamn I miss him..

Do I? Or am I just feeling pity for myself-

I don't know.. Fucking hell, he still has half my goddamn wardrobe.. I need to get that shit back-

It probably has his long hair on them anyway, or it probably smells like him or some shit..

I keep finding his hair everywhere.. I cleared out the drains with sanemi, and there was goddamn muichiro hair, lots of it..

Pissed me off..

Even in my room, I found a pair of his shorts, and again, remainints of his long hair- not to mention all my books being filled with smiley faces from him..

Fucking hated it, why can't I just move the fuck on?

Why is he still in me head? I just want to move on, I hate what he did, I can't believe he did, but I can't bring myself to move on

I can't even get rid of that bracelet… it's all I have left.. Maybe I'll cut it off when I've moved on, but for now, nope

I can't seem to do it

I csnt, I hate it, I hate him.. But I miss him too..

Sure Yui told me I was wrong.. But was I? Is that what actually happened? And if so.. Will he hate me now? Probably, he probably hates me as much sense I feel it towards him

What if I am wrong..? And fucked our entire relationship up from my own theory and wrath..?

No, no I'm not.. I'm not wrong.. Hes the one in the wrong.. He shouldn't have done that to me..

Its not me, it's him.. Right? Yeah.. It is..

He probably thinks I'm the one in the wrong.. But, I think he is, so there's really no way to tell who's right-

I just need a break, I don't want to think about him, not at all..

But.. There's nothing else to do.. Dad and sanemi are arguing.. I'm up here.. Morning a break up that I initiated.. Fucking hell

I went and texted yuichiro

How's your brother doing?

I waited for a moment

How's your dads drinking going?

Seriously, I just want to know

He's fine, now fuck off before I leave you on read like how you thought mui did

He did leave me on read, your just on his side

Oh, and you're*

Wow.. Harsh..

Has he been shit talking to yuichiro about me-?

Is that why he's so.. Aggressive..?

Mui wouldn't shit talk about me.. Right?

I mean.. I kinda did say shit to tanjiro and that.. But it was the fucking truth

I opened my phone back up

What did I do?

Are you serious?
You want a list? I'll give you one if you want

Go on

I waited for a minute before getting s notification

Ruined muis mental state with a break up.
Didn't give mui a chance to explain
Broke up with him after he cut his hair for you
Didn't give a shit about how mui felt
Honestly seemed weird in the first place

Yeah but that's just from the break up

Oh Ok, I can list more if you want

No, it's fine

Good, muis coming to school on Monday, if you come near him I will actually fucking kill you

Alright, well, bye bye


St this point why even try

Yuichiros a fucking asshole, just like I always thought he was, and I was right. He is,

He's an overprotective fucking asshole, one time I remember him getting so mad st me because he found us cuddling and I had my hand on muis thigh, he thought of it badly and had a go st me

He always called me fat, never cared, I so did everything for mui! He only helped me out once, ONCE, and yet I'm the bad guy?!

Stupid double standards. He thinks his brothers all perfect, and he dated s beast, he couldn't see anything to me beyond my looks, fucking hell

I checked my phone

Hi genya

What do you want you bipolar bitch? You just told me to kill myself

It's mui


Oh- what is it?

Just wanted to say I have your shirts, you want them back?

No, fuck off

Alright, byee


Why did I feel so bad saying fuck off..? I hate him, why was that hard?

I do want those shirts.. But I know they'll remind me of him, and I don't want him in my head

Oh look.. He didn't leave you on read, like last time, hey genya?

Fuck off, I swear to God, leave me alone


Thank you-

One last thing


Your lucky mui thinks personality is more important than looks, otherwise, he would've never picked you

Alright, fuck off now

I powered my phone off completely do I couldn't see any texts.. God I hate yuichiro I hope he dies, fucking dickhead

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