chapter 42

223 9 14

I feel like no one reads this anymore ah- but, the show must go on

Again, still warnings

Yui pov

I put my hair in a high ponytail to get it out of the way

This fucking bitch.. I swear to God

If I loose this fight I.. I will actually cry- I better fucking not, I will not back out

Why did I choose to fight this guy- fucking dumbass, dumbass Yui! You shouldn't have done that shit

I look up st the dude, "Someone's getting serious" he said with a laugh, "I will fucking beat your ass" "Yeah, sure," I said

I tried sounding confident.. But I was scared.. Really scared.. I don't want anything happening- fuck I could get my ass expelled.. Then I'd be in shits..

The dude grabbed me by around my ribs area, and slammed me down, getting on top of me, and trying to hit me, but I caught back

I still had that fork..

I grabbed the hand he was using to punch me, and shoved the fork into his arm again, "FUCK- Is that the only thing you're gonna use?!" He said, trying to play it off, "Nah, I have other things'' I said

I managed to get him off of me and kicked him in the shins and stomach, making sure I wasn't close enough for him to grab my leg when pulling back

My phone dropped out of my pocket and I quickly turned around to grab it, leading the dude to yank my hair and pull me back, "Muichiro, hand me his phone!" The dude yelled st mui, who picked up the phone and put it in his bag so the guy couldn't get it, "Do it or I'll do some even worse shit to your brother"

I saw muis eyes immediately widen and look st me, "Mui, don't! Let him do whatever he-" I yelled, being cut off by my hair being yanked back and my mouth being covered

Mui looked stressed.. Worried.. Everything in between-

I ripped his hand off my mouth, "Fucking hell, this is between you and me, don't get my brother into this shit!" I said, raising my foot backwards to kick him in the nuts, as hard as I could so he'd back off

I heard him groan as he fell back and hit the floor.. But- he still had a hold of my hair, so I went down with him-

"Jesus Christ.. You're heavy.." He said, "I weigh like 49kg, stop complaining, you probably weigh like 80" I said, snarling at the guy before ripping my hair out of his hands and standing back up

He couldn't even stand.. I had.. Won..

"I fucking won.." I muttered, "No you haven't.." He said, getting back up, and grabbing my hair once again,

He pulled my hair back so my fave was next to his

".. You asked for this shit.."

He said, before swinging my head forward into the metal lunch table


Mui pov

I practically screached as yuis face hit the corner of the table.. I saw the dude laugh and back off.. Yui didn't put his head up..

He started breathing heavily as he lifted his head away, and covered his mouth with his hand..

Everyone watched in horror as blood bit the ground..

"YUI?!" I yelled, running over to him, and putting my hand over his, lifting it back and finding my hand covered in blood..

My stomach dropped..

Yui suddenly held his head up.. Blood was pouring out his mouth like a red waterfall..

"Oh my god.. Oh my god.." I panicked, everyone stared st Yui with wide eyes..

Genya, tanjiro and aoi ran to us, and immediately attended to Yui

"Holy shit.. Yui, Yui are you okay..?!" "Don't ask that shit, if course he's not!" "I'm not asking you, scar face!" Aoi and genya bickered

"Yui.. Yui can you remove your hand..?" Aoi said.. He shook his head, and started shaking.. "I-If I do.. T.. A-Ah.." He spoke out, everything stuttered and mumbled

"Hey hey no it's okay, let's get you to the nurse.. Alright? You'll be okay.. You will.." She said, rubbing yuis back, she looked st me, "Hold your brother" she said, before I nodded and held him, she went behind him and quickly tied his hair in a bun, and pinned his fringe back too

We slowly made our way to the nurse.. Who was.. Utterly shocked..

"Oh my god.. What happened..?!" She asked, none of us wanted Yui in trouble, so we just shrugged

"I... I-I.. C.. Cant-t.." He said, before she took him in her arms and placed him on a bed, petting his back, "I need you to remove your hand.." She said, he furiously shook his head in return..

She removed his hand, and stared in horror

"Oh dear.. Oh.. Oh no.." She said, "what's wrong..?" I asked, she squinted, "you wanna see..?" She asked all three of us, we all skeptically nodded..

She removed yuis hand as he had his mouth open..

"HOLY SHIT" Genya said, covering his mouth, aoi just looked shocked..

His whole mouth had blood.. His gums on his top row.. They were black.. Black and purple by bruise..

Blood was pouring out of the top, and bottom row of his teeth and gums.. It was.. Horrifying..

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