chapter 64

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Can y'all tell me if you can see the ass in assassin update? It won't update for some reason grr

Yui pov

“I'm gonna go talk to him”

I saw muis eyes immediately widen- “No no please- he'll fucking kill me.. Please..”

I stood up, mui immediately clung to my leg, “Yui.. Seriously.. Please..” he begged, “I don't care. He said horrible shit to you” “you'll make it even worse.. I'll get in so much more trouble..” “it doesn't matter, he needs to know it's wrong” “he knows it's wrong… that's why he's said it.. Just please.. Stop..”

But, I decided to just ignore him.. I went to kokushiibo

Mui was desperately sobbing and yelling for me not to.. But I didn't give a shit, he's a fucking asshole, how dare he say that to mui?

I ran down the stairs and searched the house to find him..

And I shortly did..

“Ah, yuichiro, what do you want?” He asked, I stared at him angrilly..

“The fuck did you say to mui?!” I yelled, be was caught back by my yell, “No need to get loud.. That's no way to talk to your elders” he said, looking at me angrilly

“He told me he wants to die! Are you serious?!” I added, not giving a care about what he said,

“Don't speak back to me, yuichiro”

He tried overtaking me, scaring me, intimidating me, but none of it worked, I wasn't afraid

And I certainly wasn't going to back down

“I can't believe you'd say stuff like that to him! Are you kidding?! I don't give a shit if I'm being disrespectful! How you treated him was absolutely messed up! I'm tired of you treating us like this! Who knows what he's going to do because of what you said?!” I argued. I think he had noticed the fact that I wasn't backing down one bit, and decided to just argue back

“Okay, fuck off, he disrespected me, my rules, okay? So, it was necessary, he clearly didn't give a sh-” “BECAUSE HIS BOYFRIEND WAS IN DANGER AND NEEDED HELP YOU FUCKING PHYCOPATH” I outbursted at him

I hadn't even realised my own anger.. I was starting to regret that.. But I don't regret starting this, he shouldn't say that to mui

He stood up and grabbed the back of my head, then yanked my hair as tight as he could, “How dare you call me that?” He said in a stern and stubborn tone, he seemed mad.. Not surprised though

“If I hadn't have brought you two boys in, you'd be dead” “I'd you hadn't have brought us in, we'd have a chance at not being depressed by the time were 15! Asshole! You're ruining our life! Don't you see that?!”

He punched me in the stomach with his free arm, then hit my mouth.. Which hurt so bad due to the braces.. They must've cut the inside of my mouth.. That's how painful it was

I went to cover my mouth from his hands, but he grabbed both my hands in one, stopping me

“Youre so fucking annoying, did you know that?” He asked, “Oh.. My bad, sorry, I thought you already said that to mui?”

He stopped in his tracks

“You don't intimidate me” I told him, his head tilted and he grinned, “I dont?”

I didn't like that grin..

“Alright.. Well if I don't, this isnt scary? This doesn't hurt?” He said, putting his thumb on my cheek, pressing down, and grinding it across my braces.. Especially the part wish a wire loose..

I could feel the wire go through my cheek..

I took a massive deep breath in and exhale, “Wow, you really don't care, huh?” He said, and pressed down so the wire went even further in, and I grunted, it hurt.. It actually did.. So bad. .

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