chapter 15

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I was reading a muichiro x reader and I started crying it's not funny

Badicly mui had attachment issues and tried not to get attached to y/n knowing it'd hurt him and they had a bad argument and then they came together again AND THEN IT FUCKING SAID

"He couldn't help it.. his tears ran down his cheek as he put down the flowers over the grave titled 'L/N Y/N"

I cried so hard and am still crying

Also srry for the break I was rlly stressed

Mui pov

I woke up to yuichirotapping me on the shoulder. Apparently I'm going to genyas today..a little scary.. but I should be fine..

I took my hair out of the braid. And got into a baggy shirt and shorts. I don't have much stuff other than my uniform. I have a kimono my mother gave me, yuichiro also has one but in black and white, apparently it's how they told us apart.

I put that on ontop. It makes me think of her and I wear it when I'm scared or sad.

I put it on a clenched it tight. Yuichiro noticed. "Why are you wearing your kimono?" He asks. "I'm abit worried to go to genyas.." I reply.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." He says with a little smile. I hug him, he let me hug him but didn't really hug back. He just lightly put his arms around me. I let go of the hug and got a little bag together. With my phone, charger a jumper and hairties. Yuichiro always has his hair up so he doesn't need any. But I'll just pack it incase. It's in my black backpack that tanjiro bought me. I put a few badges that I collected on it too. We were then called downstairs by.. gyokko..

Yuichiro made sure I was behind him. I crept downstairs with our stuff. "Hello~" gyokko said, trying to get past yuichiro. "What do you want?" Yuichiro said, blocking me from gyokko. "We're going to genyas soon muichiro~" he says. I nod, "why are you saying it to mui and not me?" Yuichiro asks. "Because he's coming, you're not~" gyokko responds. We both look at eachother. "Yuichiros coming with me." I say. Gyokko pushes me away from yuichiro and tries to grab me. But I put all my weight on the ground so he can't.

Yuichiro grab me and pulled me out of gyokkos grip. "Muichiro, come with me~" gyokko says. I look at yuichiro before gyokko grabs me and takes me outside and locks the door. I heard yuichiro banging on the door for dear life as gyokko put me inside the car. "Gyokko.. get away from me!" I say, trying to push him away from me. "But muichiro~ we're going to your boyfriends house, aren't you happy?~" He says, slightly climbing intop of me. I immediately push him off and try to open the car door and he puts the child lock on. In defeat, I look back at him and just except  that gyokkos a fucking creep. He then starts to drive off. Which I was suprised by. He tried making small talk in the car which made me really uncomfterble. "Wheres that kimono from~"

"Oh- I got it from tanjiro." I lie, if he knows it's from mum he'll take it off me so I need to say that. "Interesting.." He replies. I felt hella uncomfterble.. he then grabbed my hand and started rubbing it, I tried pulling away but he held it. "Stop muichiro~" he says. I pulled my hand really fast and got it out of his grip. He looked at me aggressively for a long ten seconds. Then looked back at the road. And continued asking me questions. "You look alot like a girl." He says. He didn't have a weird tone in his voice, it was more.. aggressive. "O-oh, yeah-" I stuttered, a grabbed a front strand of my hair that was on his side. "You need a haircut." He says. I put my head down. I didn't want to say or express anything incase he gets mad.

We were nearly at genyas and I got a message. It was yui, I checked it

Yui: where are you
Mui: nearly at genyas, don't worry I'm okay. Are you?
Yui: that's good. Tell me if anything happens.
Mui: okay, but are you okay?
Yui: I'm fine, just stay safe.
Mui: love you
Yui: love you too
(Brotherly love yall, not sweet home alabama)

I put my phone down and we arrived at genyas. Gyokko got out and walked to the door as I follow behind him

He knocked on the door and genyas dad answered, genya a little bit behind him.

"Hello muichiro." Genyas dad said in a scary tone. My heart dropped. He was way taller than me and gyokko dragged me by the hair into the house. I immediately went to genya. I hugged him tight. He hugged back. "Are you okay?!" He asks me. "Yep, I'm fine-" I say. He nods. "Muichiro~ why don't you come over here~?" Gyokko says. I walk over, holding hands with genya. "Aww how cute, your holding hands~" he says. I sat down next to genya.

"Wheres sanemi?" I whispered. "In his room I think- where's yuichiro-?" He asked back. "Gyokko locked him in the house" I say. His face turned worried. I was so focused on genya that I didn't realize what was going on. Genyas dad stood behind me. Genya noticed first and his head immediately shot in view of his dad and gave me a look saying 'hes there.'

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