chapter 48

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Yui pov

"Yui, helloo!" I heard from behind me, seeing senjiro

I quickly covered my mouth since I felt myself smiling, "Helloo" I said simply, he smiled

"No need to cover your mouth, I won't judge you because of your braces, you should know that-" he said, lifting my hand away, and smiled "come on, give me a smile, I wanna see" he said happily

He's really genuine, I've never felt like I'd ever have to hide from him

I lightly smiled

"They actually look super good on you-" he said, smiling, "whyre you covering them? They look really good" "Oh- I just, don't want to be judged kinda, I don't want extra attention"

He shrugged, "I guess alot happened while I was gone.. You got in a fight? Since when..?! Why didn't you call me-"

Senjiro has been off school for a good while due to his brother getting a new apartment, he stayed there for 2 weeks for a break from his dad

"Why'd you even fight the dude..? Who was it..?" He asked again, "Ahh, well, he was being rude to mui, so, I had to, you know? It was a senior, forgot his name, short black hair"

I told him. He frowned, "why would you fight him though?! He's a senior!" He whisper shouted, "he was being rude about muis haircut-"

"Mui got a haircut?! Since when?! How short-?!" He whisper shouted again, "Not my business to tell, but it's short, chin length" "Huh?! What class is he in next..?!" He whispered again, "don't know, you'll see him st break though, sit with us" I replied, he nodded, "But why would h-"

"Senjiro! No talking, the lesson is starting!" Mr obanai yelled, he immediately shot back, "Ah, my bad Mr obanai.. Sorry-" he apologized, "if I catch you again, I'm emailing your father, you never stop talking, chatter mouth" he criticized senjiro, "Mhm, it won't happen again" "good"

Obanai turned to the board and starting jotting down random shapes, diagrams, words, I honestly didn't pay attention, just hope senjiro takes notes for me to copy, I started doodling in my book

I guess I really wasnt paying attention because Mr obanai slammed his hand on my desk, and ripped my page out, and ripped up my drawing

"Dude- could you not?" I spoke back, he immediately jerked his head, "Could you not? You're disrupting my teaching" "by what? Silently drawing?"

He was shocked st my responses..

"I will call your uncle" "Fine, whatever, take my book if you want''  I said, he nodded and snatched my book, slapped it on his desk and went back to teaching, as senjiro looked at me worried.


Senjiro and I came back to out table, "Oh my god mui- you actually chopped it off!" Senjiro immediately said, feeling muis hair, "Ohh- yeah, it's been short for a good while now.." He said, "Why'd you cut it..?" He asked

Mui just shrugged, "it was too heavy and thick, I thought if I cut it it'd be easier, plus, it's getting to the end of the year, why not have a change?" He replied

"Yeah, but it's so different.. I would've thought you'd stop at half way.. Where'd you get it done..?" He asked mui, mui looked st me, "Yui and genya did it, they both were there" he said, laying on genyas shoulder, senjiro nodded, "it's crazy short though.. Are you growing it back?" "Maybe? I'm keeping it short for a while, I like it" he said, senjiro nodded

"I get that thick hair part, it's super hard to deal with, that's why it's only to my shoulders" he said, mui nodded in reply,

Genya looked over st me, "What are you doing..?"

I sighed, "Mr snakey bad haircut bitch ripped up my drawing, I collected it off the floor and I'm taping it back up-" I told him, taping the part with the face back together,

"Ah, yeah, he was so rude to mui, honestly, that's why I got my brother to take me out of his biology classes" genya said, "pros of having a teacher brother" he said,

"Ah, yeah, he was so rude to mui, honestly, that's why I got my brother to take me out of his biology classes" genya said, "pros of having a teacher brother" he said,

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