chapter 89

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Yui pov

Koku shoved me in the car as I tried to refuse.. I don't get why I'm against it.. I have no choice, he'd already chopped part of it off..

I think I'm just.. In denial..

I had kept it long my whole life.. Mama.. I kept it long for her..

It actually hurt, it made me really goddamn upset- I didn't expect that.. I thought it was just a haircut.. But it made me really upset-

I sat in the car waiting for him to get in, and stayed completely silent.. Until..

"So, what have you learnt from this?"

I rolled my eyes and looked away and down, "Answer or it's being cut shorter"

I immediately looked at him, then back down, ignoring him.. I don't even want to look st him, why should I respond?

"Alright then, it was only going to be to your shoulders but I guess not now, what a shame"

I have him a pissed look, "Well maybe fucking respond next time.. Or maybe- listen to me? Then you wouldn't be in trouble, dumbass" "I don't fucking care, you aren't the boss of me" "Wow.. Someone's really keen on having their hair shorter"

I just stared at him, "No I'm joking, take a joke, seriously. It's going to be cut like your brothers"

I sighed.. Looking away.. I wanted to fight back so badly but there was no point..

I felt like shit.. Why did I do this-? If I knew the shit I'd get into, I would've never done it..

Fucking hell.. Dumb Yui..

I ran my fingers through my hair.. One side went all the way down like usual.. Whereas the other side.. It was short.. About my collarbone..

If like to think. It was fixable.. That we could keep it long.. But it was, yeah, nowhere near able to be fixed- plus.. Koku would cut it short if the hairdresser didn't.. So, again- no point

It grows back.. It does.. So don't worry Yui.. It's okay.. You and mui always had fast growing hair.. But even then, it'll take years for it to be the same.. And again..

It's like a scar that never heals..

Even if it's grown back.. We'll remember it.. Even once we've left the upper moons.. We'll remember them..

I felt the car take a hard turn and looked up and around me..

My heart sank.. This was.. Not going to be fun..

"Well, come on, I haven't got all day" he told me, nudging my arm so I knew to get out..

I nodded and got out, before closing the car door, and being dragged in once again.. He held me by my wrist, which really hurt..

"Hello! How's your day going?" The lady asked, "Good thanks, could we book an appointment for today? We need it" he told the lady, "Ahh.. Mhm, we aren't busy today, just your luck" she said with a giggle, "So what's happening?" She asked

Koku moved me in front of him as I tried to refuse..

"He was with his friends and being dumb, he fucked up his hair" he told the lady..

The fucking audacity that bitch has to make up a lie after cutting my hair.. Asshole..

I have him an angry look and he grinned, he knew what he did, I guess he found it amusing?

"Oh jeez, yes no of course.." She said and looked around for a free station, before pointing at this worker who was free

"Go to her, she'll take care of ya"

I hesitated, before koku pushed me forward, "Don't keep her waiting" he said with a petty smile..

I gave him a glare before walking forward, and to the worker

She welcomed me, sat me down, and started touching my hair..

I was so, so uncomfortable..

"Hmm, well, I can tell somethings wrong with this front section" she told me, lifting all my hair away from the cut part..

"Is this the problem?" I nodded, "thought so"

Koku came over to her, "So, what're we doing? I'm assuming we're.. Cutting the rest?" "Yes, could we go shorter? Since it's at his shoulders, it's an awkward length, so I think maybe just short" he told her, he looked down..

She had clearly noticed me, "Well, is he okay with this?" She asked, and looked at me, koku gave me a stare..

No, no I'm not, but I can't say that

"Oh- yeah, whatever makes it better I guess" I told them, dryly, it was saying yes, but I seemed pissed, so koku can't be mad, I still told her I'm fine with it..

"Alrighty, well, you can go sit down, we can't have you over here" "Why not?" "Can distract the stylist.. Just go sit down" "he's clearly uncomfortable, he wants his guardian to be here" "Just go sit down, thank you"

He looked st her before frowning and walking away..

"Well, you sure you want it?" I nodded again, and she continued..

God it was so uncomfortable.. I hate my hair being touched.. And yet.. That's all she was doing.. Yes, she's a hairdresser.. She's meant to.. But holy fucking hell.. It was so uncomfortable..

Just her running her fingers through.. I tensed up every time she sectioned my hair.. I hated it..

"Well, should we get to cutting it?"

I nodded and she went to grab some scissors..

I looked down, preparing myself..

"I'm not going to kid you, when you first sat down I didn't realize you were a guy-" she said with a slight chuckle, before clipping up the top layers of my hair..

"Aha, yeah.. I get that a lot.." "What even happened to the front strands?"

Please stop trying to make small talk.. I'm already so uncomfortable..

"Ah, my friends.. We were being dumb.." I repeated from koku.. I had to play along with him..

"Hm?" "Uh.."

Think.. Think..

"We were being dumb, friend put scissors to my hair as a joke and his hand slip-" I was cut off by a chop and saw my hair fall to the ground.. A huge chunk..

"Ah" I said out loud, "Sorry, you seemed nervous about it being cut, so I was trying to distract you as I cut the first chunk"

I was, very shocked..

"Oh.. Yeah no worries.." I told her, and I watched her cut the rest.. It was weird.. Really really weird..

I hated the feeling..

I zoned out most of it.. Watching the hair hit the ground was.. Sad..

I felt her unclip the rest of my hair..

"Ooo, undercut" she said with a giggle, before starting to cut the rest.. It was really.. Really weird..

I chuckled so I didn't seem dry.. But I really wasn't in the mood to laugh about it..

I wanted to seem happy.. But I was disappointed.. Disappointed in myself for letting this shit happen.. I've betrayed mama..

I'm sorry, I'm sorry mama- I didn't mean to.. I didn't ever want this to happen. .

She finished the rest, "ta daaa, how do we like it?"

I hate it so much..

"Woah.. It's really good, thank you-" I thanked her..

It wasn't the haircut that was bad.. She did a good job.. Just.. Seriously.. I.. Why? Why me? I hate it, I want the long hair back already

Now I know how mui felt.. Maybe I'll get used to it.. I doubt that though..

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