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We were busy with the first real testing for this season. Our garage was blasting music as always. I looked at Daniel who was dancing along. It was good to have him back, he always knew how to make me feel better. The car seemed better than during pre season testing. I was confident our mechanics could make this car as competitive as possible.

I was leaning against the wall outside of our garage.
I was actually looking at the Mercedes garage. Things could've been so different if Rylee just stayed out of it. "Don't worry, we'll beat them" Christian was standing next to me, also looking at their garage. "I'm not worried" he patted my back smiling. "We're so happy you decided to stay" At this point, I was also happy I stayed. "Aw look at this, the next world champion, Christian and Max standing together" Daniel walked up to us laughing. I rolled my eyes laughing. "If you don't crash into my ass again" I gave him a nudge. Referring to our crash in Baku. "Keep out private life private please" he laughed and Christian walked away slowly. He probably thought we were idiots, which we were to be honest.


"I am so sorry Max but you have to do a marking thingy" Olivia walked up to me. I really didn't feel like doing something like this today.
"But it's with Daniel, I fixed that for you"
She gave me a wink. She knew I liked doing these things much more if I had Daniel by my side.
"You're the best" I laughed and I swear I could see her cheeks turn red. "You know I would do everything to make you happy" she almost whispered that last sentence. Was she referring to work or was there a another meaning behind it?

I walked to Daniel who was already sitting in the hospitality. "Do you think Olivia acts weird around me?" I sat down next to him.
The marketing team walked in and pointed at the little cars we had to drive. Luckily we didn't have to do an interview or something, but it was just driving around.
"Weird? Yeah obviously, she likes you" we both sat down in our cars. I looked at him confused.
"No she doesn't" I knew she enjoyed having sex with me and so did I but I really thought her feelings already disappeared. "Mate she's always touching you, smiling around you and turns red when you say something nice or touch her on accident" earlier today was the first time I noticed that. I was literally so blind, maybe because I only had eyes for Rylee until now.

We filmed the video for the Red Bull channel. It was actually quite fun, Daniel made everything ten times better.

I walked back to the hospitality, I wanted to grab my things before heading to Lando's room. We were gonna have a game night with Charles. I ran up the stairs to my drivers room when I saw Olivia standing in front of my door. "Hey, are you waiting for me?" I smiled when I walked closer to her.
"Yes I just wanted to check how filming went?" I walked in my drivers room, quickly grabbing everything. "Uh yeah good, it was actually quite fun" I looked up at her and she nodded. I walked up to her, putting my hand on her arm. "Are you okay?" She nodded, but I saw her blushing again. Fuck Daniel was right.
"I just wanted to check if you enjoyed yourself but I can see you have plans" she looked up at me, forcing a smile. She stayed and waited for me in the hospitality to check if I enjoyed myself. "Yeah with Lando and Charles, you can come if you want?" She started shaking her head but I saw how she was genuinely smiling right now. She probably thought I was going on a date.
"No, it's a boys night, I'll see you tomorrow Max. Don't go to sleep too late" she kissed my cheek quickly and walked out.
I was standing in my room for a couple of minutes.
She was actually really nice to me, never lied or betrayed me.

I fell in love with the wrong girl.


@Redbullracing: testing on a whole other level

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@Redbullracing: testing on a whole other level.

Liked by @OliviaF1, @Maxverstappen1, @Danielricciardo and 549.829 others

@OliviaF1: who won? ☺️
> @DanielRicciardo: I did, obviously
> @Maxverstappen1: and I'll win the race 😉
@LandoNorris: too busy gossiping
> @Maxverstappen1: yeah about you
> @LandoNorris: gamenight tonight?
> @Maxverstappen1: yes mate!
@user1: what a pair 🥰
@user2: can't wait to see the footage!

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