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Rylee's POV

Max decided to spend time with Kai and I instead of partying with his team. It meant more to me than he would ever realize. I love him so damn much but I was being crazy the last few weeks or months even.

I held Kai in my arms while I was walking to his hotelroom. We would just watch a movie together and try to talk things out.
I knocked three times on his door, it brought back a lot of memories. He opened the door and shook his head as he saw me. "You're the worst team boss ever, you know that right?" He laughed. I was holding Kai on one arm and I had a bottle of champagne in my other hand. "Or the best because I only stole one" I said laughing. We both remembered one of our first conversations.
I walked inside and put Kai down in the little crib. He was falling asleep already, it was a busy day for him.


We were laying on his bed, he had his arms wrapped around me. We were watching a movie but I guess we weren't really paying much attention to it.
"I signed with Red Bull" he said all of a sudden. I already knew that, I didn't offer him a contract so he kinda had to sign with them. "I know Max" I mumbled, he looked at me quickly, he probably expected me to be mad or something but I was over it. "You belong with them, it's your family apart from this one" I was the crazy one for trying to get him to Mercedes. He didn't belong there, his home was with Red Bull.
"I am actually so relieved about this" he said as he put his face in my neck, he placed little kisses on my neck. I really missed that. "I will still try to beat your ass though" I said laughing. He sucked my neck a little. "I'm looking forward to that already" he said. He placed his hand on my cheek and pressed his lips against mine. I could feel the love in this kiss, for the first time in a while, our kiss wasn't filled with lust or anger. It was filled with love. He kissed my forehead  and looked at me. "I don't wanna fight over things that happened out there." he was right, we shouldn't fight over things that happen in the paddock but it was gonna be hard to seperate the two worlds. "I agree, work is work and you're the one I love" I answered. 
"Pinky promise that we're always gonna talk things out?" he said and put his hand in front of me. I laughed and wrapped my finger around his. "Pinky promise" 

I was sure we could make this work. It was gonna be difficult because we were both on different teams, teams that kinda hated each other but he was happy at Red Bull and hopefully I would be happy at Mercedes.
The only thing I was sure about was that I was very happy with him and that was the only thing that matters at this point.

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