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I was so proud of my team. They gave me a rocketship but someone kept messing with it.
We had a party to celebrate the win but I wasn't in the mood, I missed Rylee. I was so hooked on this girl, it was unbelievable.

I was laying on the couch in my drivers room when I heard a knock. I grumbled, I never had a minute to myself. "Are you coming to your party?" Olivia walked in, I looked at her. She was wearing a dress and straightened her hair. She looked pretty cute to be honest. "Yes I just need to change" I got up and fixed my hair quickly. "I will wait" she said and sat down on the couch.
I sighed, I honestly didn't really care because she obviously saw me naked before but I really wanted to call Rylee. "So your summerbreak starts a little bit earlier" I took my shirt off and looked at her. She looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" Oh fuck, I guess Christian didn't tell her yet. "Christian's niece is gonna do it for the next race" I said as I put my clothes on. I saw how annoyed she looked. "Oh great, now you can fall in love with his niece" she rolled her eyes. Was she serious right now? "It's not like I fall in love with everyones niece" I looked at her. She was getting on my last nerves. "But a team boss' niece and PR manager is a deadly combination for you" I sighed. I wasn't gonna continue with this conversation anymore.
"Are you coming to the party or not?" I just said and she followed me outside.


It was actually a really nice night out. I already had a couple of drinks, maybe a little too much but I didn't care. I was standing at the bar with Daniel. "So where is Rylee hiding?" He looked at me. He probably thought it was weird she didn't come with me. We were always together. "She stayed in Monaco, we thought it would be better for Kai" he nodded. "Is she coming to Belgium?" I shrugged my shoulders. It was the plan but I didn't know for sure. My dad was coming so maybe she would rather stay in Monaco.
"I've heard Christian's niece is gonna be your PR manager for the next race" he said and he laughed. I looked at him while sipping from my drink. "Yes, why is that funny?" I looked at him confused. He patted my back while he was still laughing. "She's incredibly hot and flirty"
I rolled my eyes, I was not looking forward to that at all. It was gonna be another Olivia but I had to be nice to her because she was Christian's family.

"Why are you so boring? Come dance with me" Speaking of the devil, Olivia walked to us, she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. I quickly put my drink down and walked with her. Daniel thought it was pretty funny because he was laughing but I didn't enjoy this at all.
"Why are you so handsome?" She wrapped her arms around my neck. She was clearly drunk as well.
I didn't reply, she moved her body closer against mine. "Like seriously, you're so cute and soft but on the same time you're a lion" she turned around so her ass was against my dick.
I grabbed her hands and turned her around. "Seriously Olivia, you need to give up. I am happy with Rylee, why can't you accept that?" She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Because you're only with her because of Kai. What if it was me who got pregnant?" I couldn't believe this, it was supposed to be a fun night but she turned it always into drama.

I just shook my head and walked away. "Kai looks a whole lot like Lando, don't you think?"
I heard her laugh.
Luckily she wasn't coming to the next race, I would make sure she would never come back.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now