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Rylee's POV

"What the actual fuck" Max said as he looked at me, he was holding a paper. He gave me the paper and I looked at it. I think I read it a couple of times.
"Did you knew about this?" He asked as he was standing behind me, he put his arms around my waist.
I shook my head. "No, not at all" I turned around and put my head against his chest. "What do we do now?" I mumbled against his chest. He kissed my head soft. "First we get the hell out of here" he laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.


We were both laying in bed, not saying a word but I knew we were thinking about the same thing.
"And what do we do now?" I asked and he chuckled. He pulled me into his arms. I always felt safe in his arms. "You let him come to you, because otherwise he knows we fucked on his desk" he was right, I couldn't confront him with what I saw. I had to wait until he told me.
"I hate this" I mumbled.
He was stroking my back softly. He knew that it calmed me down and it worked. We both fell asleep in each other's arms. 


"Looks like you two had a good night" Daniel said as he sat down on the plane. We were flying to the next race in Brazil. "Yes we did, thanks for taking care of Kai" I said and smiled. I tried not to think about last night because he would notice something was wrong. He always noticed.
"So how was your night?" Max tried to change the topic and it worked. He started talking about his night with Kai. He really liked spending time with him.

We landed in Brazil and my phone started buzzing immediately. I quickly looked at it and sighed.

Toto 🐺: Rylee, we need to talk
Toto 🐺: text me when you're free

I showed Max the texts and he nodded, he put his arm around my waist as we were walking to our hotel. "Don't worry too much baby" he whispered so Daniel couldn't hear.
I quickly texted him back that I would meet him in his hospitality on Friday.
It gave me a little time to prepare and think about my answer.


Max and I went to dinner together. It has been a long time since the three of us went on a little date together.
"Did you think about it yet?" He asked as he looked at me. I did think about it a lot but it didn't make it easier. "What would you do?" I looked at him, he put his hand on mine and smiled.
"You have to make your own decision but I will always support you" My heart skipped a beat, he was always so supportive. I was so in love with him. I couldn't imagine my life without him.
I started to bite the inside of my cheek. He rubbed my hand softly with his thumb. "And I know you'll do great anyways" he continued but I wasn't so sure about that.
"But what about us?" I quietly said and he shrugged his shoulders. "This has nothing to do with us" he said, but it had everything to do with us. It would change things between us even though he wouldn't admit it.

@RyleeWolff: date night with the champion 🧡

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@RyleeWolff: date night with the champion 🧡

Liked by @RedBullRacing, @PierreGasly, @DanielRicciardo and 240.290 others.

@Maxverstappen1: love of my life
@user1: awwww
@user2: these two 🥰

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now