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"Wake up you're gonna miss the race" I could hear Charlotte from the other side of the room. I opened my eyes slowly. I had a massive hangover.
I got up and put my head in my hands. "So what the hell happened last night?" She looked at me, she probably already had a suspicion. "I had sex with Connor" I almost whispered but she still heard it. "Oh my God Rylee" she rolled her eyes and sat down next to me. "I really fucked up" I said and she nodded. "Yes you really did. He's never gonna forgive that" she was right, he already forgave so much shit, but this one step too far. "Please don't tell him" I looked at her. I needed to tell him myself. "Are you crazy? I won't tell him, this is on you" she got up and gave me a glass of water. "Now please get ready, I don't wanna be late"


I walked through the paddock with Charlotte. I was still feeling like shit. Max was also walking through the paddock with Selena next to him. "Looks like you had a great time yesterday" he said as he walked up to me and kissed me quickly. I noticed how Selena and Charlotte were just looking at me.
Selena probably knew what happened too. "Yeah we did, how was dinner?" I tried to change the subject. I wish I just went with him instead of going to this stupid party. Everything would be different now. "Yeah good, it was a quiet evening" he smiled. I wish I had a quiet evening too. "Anyways I have to get ready for the race. I will see you after" once again he pressed his lips against mine and walked away with Selena.


I was standing in the garage. The race was half way done already. I had to talk to Selena now that Max wasn't here.
I walked up to her and she smiled when she saw me. "Hi Rylee, are you feeling any better?" I nodded quickly. I wasn't but I had other things to worry about than just my hangover.
"Yes.. did Connor tell you anything?" I asked and she put her headphones down. She nodded. "Are you gonna tell Max?" She softly asked. "I have to I guess" I shrugged my shoulders. I really wanted someone to tell me I didn't. That I should keep my mouth shut and just be happy. It was just a mistake right? "It's your choice. I just know that Max really loves you, he couldn't shut up about you" I sighed, this wasn't making anything better. "Thanks for not telling him though" I said and she nodded and smiled. She was so different from Olivia. She was soft and sweet. Why was I so worried about her? I fucked up things myself, I needed no one for that.


I was looking up at the podium. He won again, I was so proud of him. Christian was standing next to me like a proud dad. "We fired Luca by the way" he suddenly said and I looked at him quickly. "We want you to feel safe in our garage" I put my arms around him and hugged him. He probably didn't know what was happening but this meant so much to me. They wanted me to feel comfortable, they treated me like family. Little did he know I just betrayed his golden boy in the worst way possible.

"Are you gonna celebrate tonight?" I looked at Max who was changing out of his racing suit. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. "I would rather celebrate with you" he walked up to me and leaned down, he smirked and pecked my lips a couple of times. "No, you should really celebrate" he sat down next to me and pulled me on his lap. "I will when we are back in Monaco" his hand was laying on my cheek, as he kissed me, I could taste his tongue. I loved his taste, his smell, his touches. I was gonna regret this so much but I had to tell him, I enjoyed his touches a little bit longer before I broke our kiss. I was about to break his heart as well.
"Max I need to tell you something"

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now