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A couple of weeks has passed and we were still in Monaco relaxing. Max had to go to Milton Keynes a few times already, he was gone for a couple of days now but he was coming back tonight.
We never talked about what happened the night when I started crying during our shower. We never had sex since that night either.

The door opened and I quickly got up smiling. My smile quickly dropped when I saw Max walking in with Daniel. "Baby I've missed you" Max walked up to me and picked me up. He pecked my lips a few times before putting me down again. "I don't wanna concern you but someone followed you" I whispered laughing. Max laughed and turned around. "I'm sorry baby, Daniel is staying here for a while if you don't mind" Daniel walked in smiling, but I could see he wasn't completely fine. "Of course not" I walked up to him and hugged him.
"I am gonna put Kai down, I will be back in a minute" I said before walking upstairs quickly.

I liked having Daniel around, he was always lots of fun and Max really liked him. He was even funnier with him around.
A little while later I was walking downstairs again.
I could hear Max and Daniel talk. They were probably standing in the kitchen. "Is she still texting you?" I heard Max ask. "Yeah, as if I am gonna answer, she cheated on me and she still expects me to forgive her" Daniel answered. I decided to listen for a while. "You're totally right mate, I would never forgive Rylee if she did that to me" it was slap in my face but what did I expect? "Rylee would never do that, she's a good one" Oh Daniel, you couldn't be more wrong.


The boys decided to rent a boat for the day. A couple of Max's friends were in Monaco as well so I invited Charlotte as well. Charles went to Italy for a event so she was alone.
"Max took it well I guess?" She asked as she looked at me. He was laughing with his friends on the other side of the boat. "I didn't tell him yet" she rolled her eyes. "Here we go again, Rylee you have to tell him" she said softly. "He will never forgive me and it was one mistake" she shook her head. I knew she didn't agree with it but it was easy for her to say, she wasn't in this position.

@RyleeWolff: Don't even ask what is happening here

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@RyleeWolff: Don't even ask what is happening here.

Liked by @Maxverstappen1, @DanielRicciardo, @Redbullracing and 329.739 others.

@LandoNorris: what is happening there?
    > @RyleeWolff: 🖕🏼
@RedBullRacing: Just our two drivers chilling
   > @LandoNorris: one of them is killing someone
@user1: have fun!


Daniel agreed to take care of Kai while Max and I went to dinner together. I think Daniel was excited to look after Kai, he was great with him.
"I want to give you something" Max suddenly said as he pushed a box in front of me. It was quite big so I knew it wasn't a ring.
I opened the box and saw a Cartier bracelet, the same he was wearing all the time. I knew it costs a fortune. "Oh my God Max, no I can't accept this" I said as I looked at it. He already bought me a house and now this? "Yes you can" he said as he put the bracelet around my arm. "Look how pretty it looks on you" he smiled as he rubbed my arm softly. I held his hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked at our hands, I didn't know how to thank him. "Next time, it will be something you put on here" he said as he pointed at my finger.
He was obviously referring to a ring, an engagement ring. "I would love that" I said and we both smiled.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now