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Max's POV

I just won the driver and constructors championship. It was the best season I've ever had.
I should be happy, I should be on top of the world but I wasn't. Once again I was crushed by Rylee.
It ain't ever gonna change.
She was right, our love just vanished, it probably happened the day she cheated on me. Our love was so toxic.

I sighed as I leaned on the table in my drivers room. I looked at a picture of Rylee and I. We were so happy back then. I grabbed the picture and threw it against the wall. It shattered all over the floor.
I wouldn't pick up the pieces this time.

There was a soft knock on my door, it was Selena. She smiled as she walked in but her smile quickly disappeared as she saw me. She knew me so well, she immediately saw that something was wrong.
"You should be partying right now, you know?" She walked up to me. I put my hand through my hair as I started pacing around the room. I didn't want her to see me like this, not now.
I didn't want to ruin her night as well.
"Max forget about everything for one night. This might only happen one time in your life, so you should celebrate" she said as she sat down on the table. I turned around and looked at her. She was right, this might never happen again.
I walked to the table she was sitting on, I wanted to grab my phone and go party with the team.

As I was trying to grab my phone, I leaned over to her. Our faces were so close right now, our lips as well. I could smell her parfum and she could probably smell the champagne mixed with sweat.
I could feel my heart beating faster. It was like everything was happening in slow motion right now.
She turned her head a little so she was even closer to mine.
A knock on the door interrupted us. I quickly took a step back and I swear I could hear a soft sigh.
Christian popped his head through the door. "Are you coming? We're gonna take a team picture" he quickly said. I guess he could feel as if he interrupted something. "Yes we are coming" I smiled as if nothing happened just a couple of seconds ago. I looked at Selena, she smiled and jumped off the table. "Let's go champion" she said as she grabbed my hand.
My heart jumped a little again. Fuck, why was I feeling like this?


After we took the team picture we went to a club.
Red Bull has rented the entire place, I guess Christian was sure we would win the constructors championship.
Lando wasn't part of the team but he came as well.
I guess he just wanted to party , he changed after his break up. He was still the sarcastic fuck but he was definitely in the fuckboy time of his life.

Alex, Daniel, Lando and I were standing together. We all had our drinks in our hands. "Isn't Rylee here?" Lando said after a while. I shook my head. "We are on a break" they all looked at me, I could read their minds right now but no one actually said it.
No one said how stupid it was, how a break always leads to a definitive break up.

Lando went to see Martin, who was DJing and Alex went to Pierre.
"What happened man?" Daniel said as soon as we were alone. "I almost kissed her mate" I was looking at Selena, she was dancing with Connor.
He turned out to be a good guy. I was actually happy he was on our team. "Wait, who are you talking about?" He was confused and so was I, why did I tell him this? I nodded at Selena, Daniel looked at her and back at me. "So you wanted a break or Rylee?" he continued. The poor guy was so confused right now. Welcome to my fucked up relationship. "Rylee wanted a break, she was mad because she thought I signed with Red Bull without telling her. But honestly it's not the same between us mate, not since a long time" I was finally admitting that our relationship was over.

I wish that the good outweighed the bad. I realized I was the only one that was trying to keep us together when all of the signs said that I should forget her.
"You've been on and off for years now. It's not healthy. Don't stay together just because you've been together for a long time, you're too young for that mate" I looked at him and nodded. He was like my big brother, he always gave the best advice but most of the time I just ignored it anyway but maybe I should listen to him now.

@RedBullRacing: we are off for tonight! It's time to celebrate 🎉

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@RedBullRacing: we are off for tonight! It's time to celebrate 🎉

Liked by @SelenaRB, @MaxVerstappen1, @Pierregasly and 320.739 others.

@MaxVerstappen1: we did it boys!
        > @user1: you better stay with them
@Pierregasly: congratulations boys 🏆
@LandoNorris: is Max paying?
        > @Maxverstappen1: yes i will pay your orange juice 🧃
       > @Landonorris: that's an apple juice...

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