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Max ended on pole. We only qualified 5th and 8th which was horrible. We had to make some changes if we wanted to be back on top next year.

Max was gonna spend the evening with Selena. They always used to spend the evenings after qualifying with each other but when Max and I got back together, they stopped doing that until now.

I was okay with it, I wasn't feeling jealous, I knew Selena had no feelings for Max and Max had no feelings for her.
I just spend most of the evening looking at the graphs and statistics. I really wanted to understand them so I could figure out what was wrong.
I put the Monster to my lips and took a sip from it, I flinched a little. I missed Red Bull, it was weird to drink something else after two years.

"You're still here?" Lewis stood behind me, he put his hand on my back as he looked at my laptop.
"Yeah just trying to figure this out" I sighed. Honestly I didn't understood too much about it.
"You realize you've engineers for that right?" He chuckled as he sat down next to me.
"Yes but I still wanna understand, why are we lacking so much pace right now?" I leaned down on the chair. They were so competitive last year but they were nowhere right now.
"Because Toto decided to stop developing the car for this year, everything is on next year" he closed my laptop. He was trying to say that I shouldn't focus on this year anymore.
"And how does the car for next year look like?" I turned my face to him and a smirk appeared on his face. "Fast, very fast" he got up and waited for me to get up as well. I guess I was going back to the hotel with him.


Lewis and I were sitting at the bar of the hotel. He looked actually very calm and relaxed. Not like two years ago, I could still remember how angry and focused he was back then.
"So Rylee, the most important question, is Max coming to Mercedes next year?" Obviously he wanted to know as well and I knew for sure that he was praying Max wouldn't join Mercedes. "Hopefully yes" I winked at him and took a sip from my drink. Lewis just nodded, this wasn't the answer he was hoping for.
"Where exactly is the guy?" I rolled my eyes a little. He still referred to him as that guy.
"Max is out with his PR manager. They like to hang out together after the quali" Lewis raised his eyebrow and nodded. He probably thought it was pretty weird he went out with another girl.
"I already noticed that they were really close. They were always hanging out together when you guys broke up" he said smiling. I knew they were close but I didn't realize they spend so much time together when we broke up.
Selena never really mentioned it. Was I wrong and did she actually like him more than just a friend?

Lewis left after a couple of drinks, I was still sitting at the bar. I was just scrolling through Instagram when I saw a picture of Max and Christian.
I couldn't believe my eyes. Did he really not tell me? I had to hear it through fucking Instagram.

I got up and rushed to his hotelroom. Mad Max was gonna meet Mad Rylee as well.

F1news: Breaking news: Max Verstappen just signed a multi year contract with Red Bull

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F1news: Breaking news: Max Verstappen just signed a multi year contract with Red Bull.
Seems like he isn't going to Mercedes after all.

Liked by 174.830 users

@user1: YES
@user2: not really a surprise tbh
@user3: bro is never gonna leave Red Bull

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