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Charlotte filled me in on Max's and Rylee's relationship. It honestly felt like a movie. She also told me she dated Lando for a while, I could understand Max's question better now but it was still a bit out of place.

"I am excited to go drink with Max" Connor said and I rolled my eyes. "Are you in love with him or something?" I chuckled a bit. "No but he's just a chill person" I was standing next to him. I was trying to watch the race but Connor kept bothering me. "What did you do with him that evening though?" He asked and I laughed.
He really wanted to know even though we literally did nothing special. "We went to a rage room okay? He really needed it" I said a bit more quiet. No one really needed to know this. "True, he almost punched George as well" he said and I just shrugged my shoulders. He had every reason to punch him.

Max didn't win this race. He didn't even finish on the podium. He ended up in P4 but I was still happy he didn't crash his car or crash into George. Singapore was a difficult track to overtake.

I walked with Max to his interviews, I was scared he would be mad or sad but he looked fine. I guess the rage room was a great idea after all. Max was doing his interviews with the Dutch reporters, I didn't understand a word so I was just looking around.
"Selena" George walked passed me and winked at me. I raised my eyebrow. "Chicken legs" I nodded at him. He laughed and turned around. "I've send you an email" he held his phone up and walked out of the media pen. I rolled my eyes, was he serious right now?

I wanted to look at my mails but Max was done with his interviews so we had to go as well. "Max, I've read your email, are you sure about this?"
I looked up at him. I was gonna give him some time to think about this anyway. "Yes why wouldn't I be sure?" He was looking at his phone the entire time. "What if you don't like the outcome?" He was still looking at his phone, so I softly put his phone down a little. "Max?" He sighed a little and looked at me. "Then I'll deal with it"
I wasn't sure if he could take another hit though. It would destroy him.


"Did Max just stood us up?" Connor and I were sitting at the bar, without Max. It looked like he only invited us, no other mechanics were here. "He probably had some other things to do. You'll get another date don't worry" I put my hand on his shoulder and laughed. If I didn't know better I would definitely think he had a crush on him.

I quickly grabbed my phone and looked through my emails. George really send me an email, I opened it quickly and chuckled a little.

Hi Christian's niece aka Selena,
You wanna go to dinner sometime? I know a great place where you can eat a lot of chicken legs 😉

I wanted to reply but I saw someone standing next to me. It was Max, he already greeted Connor. "Hi Max, Connor was scared you wouldn't come" I said and I saw Connor roll his eyes. It was so much fun to tease him. "Yeah sorry, I had to deal with something first" Connor moved quickly so Max could sit in between us.

Max and Connor actually got along great, I really admired Max. He was sitting and drinking with the guy who destroyed his relationship.
I could see how hurt he was. He tried to smile it away but some things you can't disguise.

After a while, Max turned to me. "I wanted to thank you Selena, I really needed some distraction" I smiled, I was happy he enjoyed himself. "So what do you have planned for next weekend?" He chuckled as he took his glass and sipped from it. Did he expect me to organize something every weekend? "A real sponsor event?" I laughed and he shook his head. "Mate, your friend is literally the worst" he turned to Connor again while pointing at me. I chuckled, I would come up with something fun.

"I am gonna go to bed, thank you guys for tonight" Max said as he got up, he covered the entire bill, he even paid for Connor.
"By the way, you don't have to deal with my email, I've send it to Rylee myself" he whispered to me before he walked out.
Fuck, I actually didn't want to send it or make him forget about it but I guess he was smarter than that.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now