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I was nervous. Max said he would be by my side no matter what, but I wasn't so sure about that.
I agreed to meet Toto before the practices. I could hear him even though I was still outside the hospitality. I walked in and went straight upstairs to his office.

I knocked on his door and opened it. He looked annoyed. "Please sit down" he said as he pointed to the chair in front of his desk.
I quickly sat down and looked at him. "How are you Rylee?" He sat down as well and looked at me smiling. "Good, how are you?" I asked. He nodded but he didn't answer. He always did that.
He grabbed some papers and put it in front of me.
I had to act like I didn't know what they were, but obviously I've read them before.
"What is this?" I scanned through the papers for another time. "This is my last season at Mercedes. I want you to take over" he looked proud. Why did he think that I would be good at this? I had no experience whatsoever.
"I can't Toto" I pushed the papers back to him.
His face changed from proud to confused.
"Why not? Because of Max?" He asked and I shook my head. It was not completely because of Max. "Because I have literally no idea how to do this" he sighed relieved. He knew he could change my mind. "I will obviously help you during the first couple of races" I nodded. I was trying to take it all in. I obviously felt kinda useless lately, I was just being Max's girlfriend but this was a lot of pressure all of a sudden.
"Why me though?" I asked and he just chuckled.
"Rylee.. you're smart and you know what you want. You're a strong woman and you're a Wolff" he put his hand on my arm. Probably only the last thing mattered.
"Take these with you, think about it, talk about it with Max. Maybe you can finally convince him to join Mercedes" he pushed the papers back in front of me. I nodded and took them with me. I definitely had to talk about it with Max eventhough he said it was my decision. We had to make this decision together.

I walked back to the Red Bull hospitality. Selena was sitting down with her phone in her hands, she was smiling from ear to ear. "You're happy" I said as I sat down with her. She quickly looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah well, just happy to be here." She quickly put her phone away. "Is Max around?" I asked, the first practice was finished so he was probably around somewhere.
"He's at the engineers meeting" she pointed at the engineers room. Of course he would have the debriefing meeting.


I waited with Selena until Max finished his meeting.
He walked out and he smiled as he saw me. He walked up to me, leaned on the table and kissed my lips. Selena rolled her eyes smiling "I'm third wheeling" she said as she got up laughing.
Max gestured to get up, so I got up quickly. I knew he wanted me to sit on his lap.

"So how did it go baby?" He sat down and pulled me on his lap. I showed him the papers, he took a quick look at it. "I had to think about it and talk to you about it" he put the papers down. "But what do you want though?" I shrugged my shoulders. "It would obviously be a nice challenge" I wanted to take it, but I was scared what Max would say or think about it.
"Then take it baby" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. He was so supportive. He wanted me to be happy.
"Will you come to Mercedes then?" I mumbled on his lips and he chuckled. "Maybe if you offer me a decent contract" he said as he kissed my lips again.


FP2 was about to start so I knew Toto would be in the hospitality while the mechanics were in the garage. It was the best time to go and see him.
I walked to his office, knocked on the door and got in. He looked at me surprised, he probably didn't expect to see me this soon. I put the contract on his table and smiled. "You take the job?" He said and I nodded. "I'm so happy and I know you're gonna do amazing" he said as he got up and pulled me in a hug.
I was about to be the teamboss of Mercedes. I never expected that to happen but here we are.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now