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Max had another disappointing practice sessions.
I guess I knew what was happening, Luca was doing stuff to his car. I had to tell him because he would lose every race if it continued like this.

We were at my parents house. My mom was making dinner in the kitchen. My dad, Max and I were sitting in the living room with Kai.
"Can you keep an eye on Kai? I am gonna help my mom" I put Kai in on Max's lap and kissed him quickly.
My dad and Max got along great, so it wasn't weird to leave them alone.

I walked in the kitchen and sighed as I leaned against the kitchen counter. "What's wrong?"
My mom looked at me. "I think someone is messing with Max's car but I can't prove anything." I looked down to the ground.
If I tell him what I was suspecting he probably would drive around with fear, so he wouldn't win and besides, he would probably need proof to fire Luca.
If I don't tell him what was happening, Luca would keep messing with his car and he wouldn't win either. "Max will believe you, you don't need proof" my mom just shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing. "You can't fire someone without proof though mom" I rolled my eyes. She didn't get it, maybe it was stupid to tell her.

Toto joined us for dinner, together with his wife.
He was sitting on the other side of Max. "What's happening with your car Max?" Toto looked at Max but he just shrugged his shoulders.
"If I only knew" he just said. It was clearly bothering him. "You know we still want you at Mercedes right?" I rolled my eyes. Obviously he would take advantage of this situation. "Yeah but he is very happy at Red Bull, right?" I looked at Max smiling but he started shaking his head. "Obviously not with this piece of shit car"
It wasn't Red Bull's fault, but he didn't know that. "Okay but you have a contract so.." luckily he signed a contract for a year. "No, I can leave if they don't provide me with a competitive car" I looked at him, he never told me that. Why did he keep that from me? I saw Toto's smile grow bigger.
He wanted to sign Max for years now but Red Bull signed him first and until last year, he was very happy at his team. "Then we definitely have to talk soon" Toto said as he looked at Max. He could already smell the victory.

Maxverstappen1: A day with the Wolffs 🐺

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Maxverstappen1: A day with the Wolffs 🐺

Liked by @RyleeWolff, @LauraFT, @DanielRicciardo and 783.739 others.

@RyleeWolff: 🧡🧡
@DanielRicciardo: bring him to the track!
> @RyleeWolff: we will!
@LandoNorris: those lil feet
> @DanielRicciardo: almost bigger than yours
@user1: ohhhh god how cute
@user2: pls leave red bull, they suck


"Why are you so against me joining Mercedes?" Max looked at me as he was putting Kai down in his crib. We were back at our hotel after the dinner with my family.
"I am not" I just said which made him chuckle. "C'mon Rylee, just tell me the truth for once" he turned to me, his face said enough. He was annoyed. "Because you belong with Red Bull. They need you, they would do anything for you" I walked closer to him. Why couldn't he understand that Mercedes would never treat him the way Red Bull did. "Anything except give me a decent car" he rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna take a shower" he walked in the bathroom and I sat down on the bed. I sighed. I thought we were over this already but we clearly weren't.

We would always keep fighting over this, maybe too much has happened between us but I couldn't live without him.
I was still sitting on the edge off the bed when he walked out of the bathroom. "Max just answer this, want do you want more? Me or the world championship?"

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now