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Rylee's POV

I arrived in Belgium with Kai. I skipped the practice sessions because I knew Max wouldn't have time for us anyways. I walked through the paddock, it felt so good to be here again.
I didn't come to one race and I already missed everyone but I missed my man the most.

I walked in the hospitality and saw him standing with Christian. I put my hand on his back, he quickly turned his head and smiled. "Baby, I've missed you" he said and kissed my lips softly. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me against his body. I couldn't explain how much I missed him.
I looked at the girl standing next to Christian. I haven't seen her around. Fuck she was beautiful.
"Hi, I'm Selena, I'm his niece" she said smiling and pointed at Christian. "She's replacing Olivia for a while" Christian said proudly. I just nodded.
I was glad Olivia was gone for a while but why did he always need to have pretty girls as his PR manager.

Max and I sat down on a table. He smiled at me and grabbed my hands, he intertwined our fingers. "Where is Kai?" he rubbed his finger against the palm of my hand. "He's with your mom, she wanted to take care of him for a while." He nodded, I felt kinda bad because he probably wanted to see him. "So Selena is kinda cute right?" I smiled, I tried to show no jealousy but he could probably read my face like a book. "I guess so" he shrugged his shoulders. "But you're waaaaaay cuter" I chuckled, I was so happy with him.

GP walked up to us and put his hand on Max's shoulder. "Hi Rylee good to see you again. Can I steal this one away? We have to go over the strategy" He smiled at Max and I. I just nodded.

Max got up and leaned to me to give me quick kiss. "I love you baby, I will see you later" He walked out the hospitality with GP.


Charlotte texted me to meet her at the Ferrari hospitality so I quickly walked to her. She was sitting in front of it with Isa. I was happy to see Isa again. I guess everyone was here for the last race before summer break.
"Hi girls, good to see you again" I said as I sat down with them. "Rylee, are you ready for the summer break?" Isa said as she smiled at me. Honestly I was so ready for it to start. I couldn't wait to spend some time with Max without distractions. "Yes I'm so ready, are you going to Spain with Carlos?" she nodded and smiled. I bet she was excited for a little break as well.
"So we want to have a little girls night, just some cocktails and dance a little" Charlotte said. She was always excited to go out and so was I. I missed going out with them, without the boys.
"Yes please I really need that" I said, in that moment, Selena walked passed us with Christian. "Does Red Bull have a new employee?" Isa looked at Selena and then back at me. I shook my head. "She's Christian's niece and she will replace Olivia for a while" I saw Charlotte and Isa look at her. They both connected the dots pretty quick. "So she will be Max's PR manager, how do you feel about that?" They probably saw the same thing as me, she was cute and totally Max's type eventhough he wouldn't admit that. "It's cool to have another girl hanging around I guess" I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't at all what I was feeling but I couldn't tell them I was jealous.

"We should invite her for our girls night. I bet she will like that" Charlotte said all of a sudden. Isa nodded in agreement. "Yeah I guess" I mumbled. Maybe she wasn't that bad or maybe she had a boyfriend and wasn't interested in Max at all. "Toto's and Christian's niece going out together, It could be fun" Charlotte laughed. I just rolled my eyes. As long as she stayed far away from Max, I was happy to have her around.

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