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Last night was amazing. We slept together and I really felt like we were stronger than ever.
Max was getting ready for the race. He was definitely gonna be champion after this race, I could feel it.
He just had to end in P8 or higher.

"Are you gonna pick up Kai?" Max walked out of the bathroom and looked at me. I was still laying in bed. I nodded. Charlotte took care of him last night but he definitely had to be in the Red Bull garage today. "And then we will come and support you" I said and he smiled while crawling to me. "Alright babe, I'll see you later" he kissed my lips quickly before walking out.


I was standing in front of Charlotte's door. I took a while before she opened her door. I smiled as I saw her and so did she. "I guess it went well?" She asked smiling and I nodded. "God, I'm so happy" she pulled me into a hug. I was happy as well, I wasn't gonna mess this up anymore.

We played a little with Kai before Charlotte looked at me. "Charles and I decided to break up"
I looked at her confused. "What? Why?" I couldn't believe it, she looked so happy, it didn't look like she just broke up with her boyfriend at all. "I just want to go back to modeling and studying. I wanna live my own life again you know" I nodded, I completely understood. It was a difficult thing to throw your dreams away for someone. "I am gonna miss you so much" I just said, she was the one who always knocked some sense into me.
"I'll still try to be at as many races as I can though" she smiled but we both knew that she probably only was gonna come to Monaco or Italy.


"Look Rylee, I dressed Kai up" Selena grabbed my arm and pulled her with me. I walked with her and looked at Kai. We both laughed, he was literally looking like a little Max.
I picked him up and looked at him. "Are you ready to see daddy become champion?" He clapped his hands, he looked excited.

Max walked passed us, he was holding his helmet in his hand and pushed Selena with it. I loved their relationship, they acted like siblings but I knew they were becoming really good friends.
He walked to me and put his arm around my waist while kissing my lips. After that he looked at Kai and smiled at him. "Isn't he the cutest?" I smiled at the both of them. I loved them so much.

@RyleeWolff: Little bull 🧡

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@RyleeWolff: Little bull 🧡

Liked by @MaxVerstappen1, @SelenaRB, @Charlottesine and 210.739 others

@Charlottesine: ohhhh goddd 🥰
@SelenaRB: cutest!!
@RedBullRacing: future world champion 💪🏻


"What is going on with the car?" I could hear Max through the radio. I was wearing the headphones so I could hear him and GP. I looked at Selena, we both knew that this wasn't good.
"There's a problem, we're trying to solve it" GP said but it didn't help. Max was losing power and he had to retire his car at the side of the track.
He threw his steering wheel out of the car and got out.
Selena and I both sighed, he wasn't gonna be champion here. I knew he must be disappointed, especially when he thought his car was fine.

"His car was fine during the last couple of races right?" I looked at Selena and she nodded.
"Yes, but I think I know who keeps messing with it" she looked around the garage. "I will fix it" she said as she walked out.

I didn't follow her, I wanted to be here for Max.
Not much later he walked in and took his helmet off.
I gave him a little space, I knew he must feel frustrated but he walked to me smiling.
"I'm sorry baby" I said as I kissed his lips quickly.
He just shrugged his shoulders. "Dinner tonight?" I looked at him confused but quickly nodded.
Okay I guess he wasn't frustrated or mad, or he just didn't show it to me.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now