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It was horrible to sleep next to Rylee when I knew she fucked me over. I got up early, I couldn't sleep anyway. We were still in Monza but we were gonna take my plane to go to Singapore soon, or I was atleast. I needed to know what happened that night, I could maybe forgive her if it was just a drunk kiss but I needed her side of the story first.

I sat down on the little balcony of our room, I was just staring at the sea as Rylee walked up to me.
"Good morning baby" she said as she kissed my lips. Even kissing her felt wrong right now. She sat down next to me and looked at me. "Is something wrong?" I couldn't believe that she was asking if something was wrong when she kissed another guy.
"I'm gonna ask you something and I need you to be honest Rylee." I looked at her, I could see she already knew what I was gonna ask but she just nodded. "Did you cheat on me?" Her face dropped and she looked at the ground. She didn't need to answer, her face said enough. She did. She cheated. "I'm sorry it literally meant nothing, we were both drunk and we kissed and had sex but it didn't last long because I realized it wasn't you" she just rambled. I was just looking at her, did she have sex with him? "Wait, you fucked him?" I raised my voice. I knew about the kiss but she actually fucked the dude. She nodded, she couldn't even look at me.
"I will buy you a plane ticket to Monaco, please grab your stuff out of my apartment. We are done" I said as I got up, I couldn't stay here, I couldn't look at her. She grabbed my arm and looked at me. Our matching bracelets touched each other "Max please" I shook my head, nothing could make it better.

I walked inside of our hotel room and started to pack my stuff. I actually just threw everything in my suitcase. I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. "Max it was a mistake please, I love you" she was crying. She was fucking crying when she had another dick inside of her. My mechanic's dick. "Honestly Rylee, I thought you were the love of my life. I wanted to spend every moment with you. I wanted to marry you, I already bought the fucking ring. Make another baby, I would've loved a little girl with your genes but you threw it all away. Again." I grabbed my stuff and walked out while slamming the door.
I sighed, I was gonna go back to the madness without her.


It was incredibly hot in Singapore. Rylee tried to call and text me several times but I didn't pick up.
I wanted to concentrate on my career, it was the only thing I had control over.

I walked into the garage. I wanted to find one person and one person only. I saw how he was smiling at me but his smile quickly dropped when he saw my face.
I punched him in his face. "This is for fucking my girlfriend." I raised my voice and saw how everyone was looking at us but I couldn't care less.
"Now get the fuck out, you're fired and I will make sure no one hires you ever again"
I just walked away, I didn't want him to try and explain shit. He had the nerve to talk to me and make jokes with me when he knew he fucked my girl.

I walked out of the garage, I just wanted to be alone in my drivers room but Selena followed me. "Max hold up" she grabbed my arm. "Can I come with you please?" I nodded, I actually liked her a lot. We walked to my room together and I immediately sat down on the couch. "He didn't know Rylee was your girlfriend" I looked up at her. "You knew?" She nodded and I shook my head. Did everyone know about this and no one told me? "He's my best friend so he told me after he realized you were her boyfriend." She walked up to me and sat down in front of me. She put her hands on my legs and looked up at me. "It wasn't my place to tell and I am not gonna tell you what to do, but he really didn't know, he admires you" I sighed. He wasn't the one I was blaming. He was just having fun with who he thought was a single girl.
"Tell him to come in tomorrow, but I can't look at him today" she nodded smiling. She started playing with my bracelet, which made me think about Rylee even more. "Max, if you ever wanna talk, about anything. You can always call me." I nodded. "Or get crazy drunk and smash things up together" she continued and I laughed, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.
"I'm holding you up to that"

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now