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@RyleeWolff: days off are my favorite days, especially with this one 🧡

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@RyleeWolff: days off are my favorite days, especially with this one 🧡

Liked by @RedBullRacing, @LauraYT, @MaxVerstappen1 and 340.729 others.

@MaxVerstappen1: ❤️
@Charlottesine: can't wait to see you both tonight
@user1: they're so cute
@user2: Max is looking fit damn


"Where are we going?" I sat next to him in the car. We dropped Kai of at Toto's place. He wanted to spend some time with him which made me really happy. "I am bringing you to jail for giving me blue balls" he said laughing. He was a horny little fuck. "No but seriously" I liked surprises but he was really secretive about this. He didn't answer.
He drove up a driveway and parked his car in front of a house. A beautiful house I might add. "Whose house is this?" I looked at Max, he was just smiling. "Just wait and trust me" he got out of the car and so did I. I trusted him but I was just wondering who lived here.

Max opened the door for me and I walked in the house. It was a beautiful house with a cute garden. "Max who's house is this?" He grabbed my hand and walked with me through the house. "It could be ours" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" Did he buy this house for us? "It's for sale and I know how much you want a house with a garden." I looked at the garden and then back at him. I would love to live here, instead of these hotelrooms when we were in England.
"God I love you so much" I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips against his. "I take that as a yes?" He mumbled on my lips and I nodded my head quickly.
We were always together anyway but this felt as a next step in our relationship.


I remembered Max about Charles' party. He grumbled for a while but we decided to go anyway. We were getting ready in our room. "Oh baby, you need to sign the papers on the desk" Max yelled from the bathroom. I looked at the papers, it were papers for the house. "Why?" He already signed them so why did I need to sign them as well?
"It's your house as well, half of it is yours?" He walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants. He was looking so cute right now. "But you're paying for it?" I still didn't understand. He wanted to give me a half of the house he was paying for?
He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek soft. "Just sign it baby, my money is yours anyway" he mumbled against my cheek. I didn't know it was possible to fall in love even more.


"So he just bought you a house?" Charlotte looked at me. As crazy as it sounded, he actually did exactly that. "Yes?" I looked at him, he was standing with Charles and Lando. He noticed I was staring at him as he gave me a quick wink. I smiled and looked down at the ground. "She probably gave him some crazy sex" Olivia walked up to us, I honestly didn't know what she was doing here.
"Well, honestly the exact opposite, I left him with some blue balls, he must be so horny right now" Charlotte and I chuckled but I saw Olivia roll her eyes and walk away.
"Who invited her?" I looked at Charlotte but she just shrugged her shoulders. "I think she just showed up to be honest" I looked at Olivia.
She was standing with the drivers. I didn't like having her around Max, especially not now.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now