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"Fucking blind idiot, what is his problem?" I yelled through the radio. I was doing my fast lap but Russel was blocking my way. I drove next to him and flipped him off. He was such an idiot, I couldn't believe this. "Max calm yourself down please" GP tried to calm me down but it was only making me more mad at this point. "No, is the dude blind? With his fucking shit car" I turned the radio off so I could swear some more without broadcasting it to the world.

I jumped out of the car, I would start at P6 because of that idiot. I knew he would get a penalty for this so luckily he would start behind me.
I took my helmet off and put it down. Connor was looking at me, but as soon as my eyes met his, he looked away quickly. I knew he was grateful that we didn't fire him but he was still too scared to talk to me.
Which was smart of him because I would've probably punched him another time.

I was walking to the media pen with Selena, she was my new PR manager for this season. I liked her.
Olivia would probably come back soon but luckily not as my PR manager.
"So we have an event tonight, you need to attend it but I will come with you" she said while going through her phone, I looked down at her. "Really? Tonight? What kind of event?"
I was confused. We didn't do much events the night before races, especially not before Singapore as it was a brutal race. "Just dress casual, white tshirt and jeans you know" she gave me a nudge. She was obviously teasing me with my outfit choices.

Selena nudged me every now and then during the interviews when she thought I had to calm down or swear less. Only during my interviews with the Dutch reporters I could talk about everything I wanted because she obviously didn't understand a word I was saying.

George was walking up to me and I noticed Selena saw him as well because she pushed me a little.
She probably didn't want me to confront him but he actually walked up to me himself. "Thanks for giving me a 5 places grid penalty" he said as he patted my back sarcastically. Was he serious right now? "You know you have mirrors on the side of the car right? Maybe you can use them, or does Mercedes not have enough money?"
He chuckled a little and took a step closer to me. "Well atleast we know why your car was shit during the last couple of races" I looked at him, gesturing to continue his sentence. "Your mechanic was too busy fucking your girlfriend"
I couldn't believe he just said that, in front of every driver, in front of every reporter.
I grabbed him by his collar and looked him straight in the eyes. "What the fuck did you just say?" Luckily for him, Daniel pulled me away from him. "He's not worth it, walk it off" he put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded. I knew it wasn't smart to punch him here, but he would definitely get what he deserved.


I didn't want to go to this stupid event. I just wanted to stay in my room and sleep.
Selena was walking next to me, she was also just wearing casual clothes.
"Where are we?" I looked around. This didn't look like an event at all. "For what sponsor is this?" I looked down at her and she laughed.
"I never said it was a sponsor event" she grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"This is a rage room and we are gonna smash things up" she said as we walked into a room filled with junk and tv's. "Wait, so this isn't an event?"
I was still confused as in why she dragged me to this? She chuckled while putting on some safety classes. "Max, you want to punch everyone and are way too aggressive on track. If you wanna win this championship, you need to start thinking with your head again" she put another pair of glasses in my hand and started to smash things.

She looked at me smiling, as if she was proud. "Look at that ugly tv, that's Russel. Now go fucking smash it" she said and I laughed.
I did as she said and it actually felt amazing.
I could feel the anger leave my body as we literally smashed every single thing in the room.

"So who were you imagining it to be?" I looked at her as we walked out. "Oh multiple people but especially you" she looked up at me and laughed.
Was she serious or was she joking? "Me? Why?"
I was imagining multiple people as well but she was the one who actually kept me sane during this whole mess. "Do you know how much work you give me with your swearing and punching people" she pushed me laughing. "Oh so you did this for yourself huh?" I laughed as well. I realized she actually made me laugh again. "Nah, you deserve to be champion again and it would be stupid to throw it away" I actually believed that she didn't do this for herself. She genuinely cared about me, I could feel that.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now