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Max walked in my apartment. He hugged me, he looked tired and in pain. "Are you okay?" He nodded but I knew he was lying. "A bit sore but I'm fine" we both sat down on the couch.
I was wondering why he wanted to see me and like always, he could read my mind.
"I miss you Ryls, I miss us" I wanted him to say these words so bad for ages now, but it was not the right time.
He was dating Olivia, I was dating Luca and our teams hated each other again.
"What about Olivia though?" He shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care about her. "We broke up before Monaco" I was confused but it also made sense. That's why he didn't want me to call Olivia when he was in the hospital. "Didn't you ask her to marry you?" He frowned his eyebrows. "I did what now?" I started shaking my head and laughed. I was relieved he didn't ask her.
"Nevermind" he was still looking confused but he decided not to ask any more questions about it.

"So are you still dating Luca?" I nodded my head. "And you like him a lot?" I sighed. I didn't even know, did I use him to get over Max or did I really like him?
"Max I.." I couldn't finish my sentence because Kai started crying. I sighed and got up but Max grabbed my arm. "I will go" I sat back down and Max went upstairs to calm Kai down. I was happy he was involved with him. He was so great with him.

I was laying down on the couch. I was so tired, I could feel my eyes close.
I fell asleep for a little until Max kissed my forehead.
I opened my eyes slowly. "He's asleep again, I will go home" I nodded. I wanted him to sleep here but it wouldn't be fair for Luca. I knew Max and I knew myself even better, we would cuddle, kiss and maybe some other things.
He smiled and walked out of my apartment.
I sighed. I couldn't believe myself. I waited months for him to tell me he wanted me back and I just let him walk out. I didn't even know why, because of Luca? Because our teams couldn't stand each other? We could handle that, we did that for months.

Max 🧡 : Goodnight Juliet

Goodnight Romeo

I smiled at my phone. He made me fall in love with him over and over again. Who was I kidding? I loved him for years now.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now