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Quali was never easy in Monaco, especially in the rain. It was a cold rainy day. I felt nervous looking at them drive in these conditions. Luckily everything went fine without crashes.
Max and Lewis would start next to each other tomorrow. They were in P1 and P2.

It would be the first time in a while that they had to do the press conference together. We walked inside, Max was not here yet. I sat down in the back of the room, scrolling through my phone.
I smiled at the picture Lando just posted.

LandoNorris: just casually explaining Max how to win races

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LandoNorris: just casually explaining Max how to win races. He really needed my advice.

Liked by @Maxverstappen1, @Pierregasly, @RedBullRacing and 732.372 others.

@Maxverstappen1: thanks for the advice mate!
@DanielRicciardo: George being like 👀
@user1: love their friendship
@user2: tell him how not to crash into people


You could cut the tension with a knife. Max sat down next to Lewis, he didn't look or acknowledge him.
Olivia did the same to me, she sat down next to me and immediately grabbed her phone.
She leaned back in the chair, she actually looked pretty tired. "Are you okay?" I looked at her, I didn't want to be nice to her but my son probably kept her up all night. "Yeah just tired" she nodded quickly. She looked at Max and she smiled. I still didn't know if she really liked him or just liked the money he was bringing in.

Max was busy fiddling with his mic the entire time. He obviously didn't want to be here. "Question for Lewis, are you scared you will crash with Max again?" I saw Max rolling his eyes when he listened to his question. "I am glad he's starting on pole so I can see him" he chuckled.
"That didn't stop you from crashing into me last race" Max replied. Olivia and I looked at each other. For once we were probably thinking the same thing. "We have been over this, the stewards didn't give me a penalty so I guess they agreed with me" Lewis looked straight into Max's eyes but I knew Max wasn't gonna hold back. Not after his comment about Kai. "Then I guess y'all need to buy some glasses together." Max said and Lewis just laughed. Which made Max even angrier. "By the way, Mercedes wanted to drop you" Max put his mic down and walked out. Olivia sighed and walked after him. Lewis looked confused. He obviously didn't know that Toto wanted to replace him. They wanted Max to replace him, which made it even worse.

I walked out the room with Lewis. We were walking back to the hospitality. "Is it true?" He looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I think so" he started shaking his head. Max dropped the biggest bomb he could and it would fall down straight in the Mercedes hospitality.

I decided not to go to Max's drivers room. I guess he wanted to be alone after that press conference.
I would eat something at the hospitality even though it would be a very awkward atmosphere in there.
My phone started buzzing a few times so I quickly looked at it.

Max 🧡 : are you still coming?

Don't you wanna be alone right now?

Max 🧡 : no
Max 🧡 : i want to be with you
Max 🧡 : i need you

I felt something I didn't feel in a while. Butterflies.
They were alive again after one stupid text.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now