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Rylee's POV

Max told me it wasn't Luca who was messing with his car, so we still didn't know who did it.
I sighed as I stood behind Lewis' mechanics. It was time for qualifying. Lewis really wanted to be on pole or atleast on the front row, it was his home race after all.

Lewis did his fast lap very early in the session. He came back to the pits to put used tires on. I was confused. He would never get a fast time with used tires. My question was answered not long after.
He didn't use them to do a fast lap, but he was actually trying to bother Max as much as possible when he was trying to put a fast lap in.

I walked to Toto and stood next to him. "What is Lewis doing?" He quickly looked at me, he probably didn't expect me to stand next to him. "He's just out there driving a bit" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "He's blocking Max"
I said and he just shrugged his shoulders. "A bit immature no?" I continued. Were they so scared that he would be faster than Lewis? Toto turned to me again and looked at me. "Who's side are you on?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow. "Max's side always"
I walked away from him, I knew he would probably find someone else to be Lewis' PR manager soon but I didn't really care.

Lewis ended up on pole and Max was only in P5.
This time it wasn't his fault or his car's fault. It was Lewis' fault.
I still had to follow Lewis around while he did his interviews. I didn't talk to him. Max looked fine though, he was smiling through most of his interviews, I was happy about that even though I hated that Olivia was standing next to him.
"Did you lose your tongue?" Lewis gave me a nudge while we were walking back to the hospitality.
"Yes, when I saw how immature you are" he looked at me, I guess he didn't expect this answer.
"I just did the same as your little boyfriend did to me" I rolled my eyes. Words actually couldn't explain how much I started to hate this team.

Meet me in the Merc hospitality

Max 🧡 : you really want me to die?
Max 🧡 : they don't want me in there

As if you care about that?

I was sitting in the Mercedes hospitality. I knew it would bother Lewis and Toto to see Max in here but they wouldn't do anything about it. I was just hoping Max would have the guts to come in here again.

Max never disappoints. I saw him walking in, his racing suit was hanging down around his waist and he was holding a Red Bull in his hand.
Everyone looked at him but he only had eyes for me.
He walked to me and leaned over on the table and pressed his lips quickly on mine.
He sat down and looked at me. "What am I doing here?" I quickly grabbed his hands and intertwined our fingers. "Visit your girlfriend?" I smiled widely at him and he chuckled. "So did you steal another bottle of champagne?" He was looking at the bottle that was on the table. "I really am the worst employee right?" I laughed and so did he. We probably both remembered one of our first conversations.

We talked for about an hour. No one really bothered to ask Max what he was doing here. I expected that.
Lewis walked down the stairs and he immediately spotted the Red Bull racing suit. "Lewis incoming" I whispered as I saw him walk to us.
"What are you doing here?" He looked at Max, every other driver would probably be intimidated by Lewis but not Max. "Stealing your hot PR manager" he said and I chuckled a little.
"Or stealing my seat?" He was still looking at Max. "Mate I am only interested in Ryls right now. I don't give a fuck about your seat." Max sighed. I bet he was tired of talking about it. Luckily Toto called Lewis and they both walked out of the hospitality.

"That was so hot" I whispered. I looked around the hospitality. Almost everyone left already.
"Do you want to do another thing on my list?" I looked at him smirking. At first he looked at me confused but it didn't take him long to figure out what I was referring to. I saw a smirk on his face appear. "Fuck yes"

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