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Rylee's POV

Max was back in Monaco for a few weeks. They didn't have a race for two weeks so he decided to spend most of his time with Kai and I.
He was great with him, I knew he would be a great dad.

I was getting ready for my first date with Luca.
Max told me he would take care of Kai, I didn't tell him I wanted to go on a date though, he probably thought I would just go out with Charlotte.

He knocked three times and I rushed to the door.
"Hey thank you for taking care of Kai" he walked in and looked at me. "All dressed up I see" Max pointed at my outfit. I actually was dressed up and I did my makeup again.
"Yes I tried" I said smiling. "What are the plans?" He walked to Kai, but I knew he was focused on me. "I am going out with Luca"
He looked up at me, I realized I never told him about Luca. "He's a Ferrari engineer" he nodded as if he already knew. Did someone tell him about this?
"I know who he is, have fun" he walked up to me and forced a smile. He walked out with Kai quickly. Was he jealous or something? No, he was happy with Olivia right?


I was constantly checking my phone. I never left Kai for this long so I was worried. Even though I knew Max was great with him, I couldn't stop worrying.
"Are you okay?" Luca put his hand on mine and I quickly looked up at him. "Yes sorry I am a bit distracted" he nodded. He was actually a really sweet guy. He understood my situation with Max.
He was really soft with me, but he talked a lot about Max, how he admired him and respected him.
I didn't want to talk about my ex the entire time.

I intertwined our fingers and smiled at him. How could I make him shut up about Max? I leaned over to him, pressing my lips on his. It was maybe not the right reason to kiss him, but it definitely made him shut up.

@Oliviaf1: ❤️

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@Oliviaf1: ❤️

Liked by Maxverstappen1, Charlottesine, VictoriaVerstappen and 138.729 others.

@LandoNorris: poor you, a day with two babies
> @Maxverstappen1: 🖕
@DanielRicciardo: I'm coming over tonight!
@user1: omg look how cute he is
@user2: when are you gonna start a family with him?


I rolled my eyes when I saw the picture. Max was looking unbelievably cute but I wish I could spend time with him and my son like a real family.
I fell down on the couch, if I just gave him that stupid contract then everything would still be fine.

Nothing is fine right now, Olivia was taking my place. She was doing everything with Max that I wanted to do, his friends were slowing becoming her friends as well. I was jealous. I knew how fun it was to be part of that family. I knew how it felt to be loved by Max, he made you feel like you were the only girl in the world.

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