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F1news: The battle continues

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F1news: The battle continues. Max and Lewis had a big argument in the media pen after their contact during the last race.

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@user1: Max was right, Lewis totally pushed him
    > @user2: Lewis was first in the corner tho
    > @user1: not at all. Max was first the entire time
@user3: it will never end between these two


It was cold in Monaco. Luckily we could stay here for a couple of weeks because the next race was here.

Max had Kai for the evening. I didn't trust Olivia at all but I knew Max would protect him.
Luca stayed over for the first time. Not many people knew this but we started dating a little way ago.
I was laying on his chest, we were watching a movie.
It felt nice to just relax with him.

I tried not to think about the situation between Lewis and Max or about Max asking Olivia to marry him. I couldn't believe he would ask her so soon.
"Are you tired?" Luca looked at me and I nodded.
I wasn't really tired but I was kinda bored.
We walked to the bedroom, I let myself fall on the bed. He just laid down next to me. He didn't even try to touch or kiss me. I wasn't used to this, Max would pull me into his arms and fuck my brains out even if he just raced for two hours.

We were just laying next each other. I was looking at the ceiling. This wasn't what I wanted. I sighed.


It was the next morning. I heard three knocks on the door and I looked at the clock. Shit, I totally forgot Max was bringing Kai. I opened the door and saw Max. "Sorry I am too early but Christian called me, I have to go to the track already" he walked in with Kai. I was happy to see them, they were definitely the two people I loved the most.
I grabbed Kai and put him in his little crib. He was sleeping. "You want a quick coffee?" I smiled at Max, I saw him looking at his watch and nodded.
"Very quick" I smiled and walked to the kitchen with him. He was leaning against the counter. "Did he sleep through the night?" I kinda knew the answer already because I saw how tired he looked. "Not really, he doesn't need much sleep" we both laughed. I gave him his coffee and sat down on the counter.
"How was your evening?" He looked at me and smiled. Boring, I missed having sex with you..
I obviously couldn't tell him that. I wanted to answer but I saw how Max was looking at something.

Fuck, there was his answer. Luca walked down the stairs and immediately smiled when he saw Max.
"Max, I'm Luca. I'm a big fan" he walked up to Max and started shaking his hand. I rolled my eyes. Max smiled politely but I recognized his look, he wasn't amused. "Yeah nice to meet you mate"
Luca walked over to me and pressed his lips on mine. "I've heard an engineer of Red Bull is quitting . Is it one of yours?" I looked at Luca, did he really just ask that. "Uh yes, it is" Luca's smile grew bigger. "Can you put in a good word for me?" Max looked at him, you could see how annoyed he was but I guess Luca didn't notice it. "Aren't you working for Ferrari?" Max put his coffee down. "Yeah but it's my dream to work for Red Bull" Luca put his arm around me. I was getting annoyed as well. He didn't touch me all night and now he couldn't stop touching or kissing me.
"Anyways, I have to go, I'll see you both in the paddock I guess" he walked to the crib, saying goodbye to Kai. It was so cute. I jumped off the counter and walked after him.

"Can we talk later?" I looked up at him and he nodded. "Come to my drivers room after quali?" I was hesitant. I wasn't sure if Red Bull would just let me walk in, now that I work for Mercedes. It was like Max could read my mind.
"Don't worry, you're still welcome in our hospitality" he gave me a little nudge and walked out.

"Wow he is so different on and off track" Luca said. I sighed, he had no idea how different he was.
"But he is a lion on and off track" I winked at him and walked upstairs, leaving him standing in the kitchen.

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