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I walked in the venue. I was wearing my black dress, my hair was straightened and I did my make up the way he liked it.

He was standing with Selena and Daniel, he looked at me as I walked in. His eyes were scanning my entire body. Everything happened in slow motion.
Selena put her thumbs up as Max started to walk to me.
I noticed how Max wanted to say something but I quickly stopped him. "Hi I'm Rylee" I put my hand out to him. He looked at me confused but he started shaking my hand anyways. "I'm Max"
I smiled at him. "You work for Red Bull?"
I chuckled as I asked the question. I wish I asked this question two years ago when I met him. "Yes, I'm their driver" he smirked.
"Aw, my uncle is not gonna like that" I bit my lip, trying to look disappointed. He laughed.
I loved his laugh, it was so cute.

"You wanna dance Rylee?" He asked as he was holding my hand. I nodded and we walked to the dancefloor together. It was a fancy event so everyone was slow dancing.
I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. "So Rylee, do you have a boyfriend?" I shook my head. I loved how he was just playing along. "I'm still trying to get over someone, he was really special" I could see how he started to smile a little. "Same here, I don't think I will ever get over her though" I sighed but it was a good sigh, I was relieved. I put my head on his chest and just enjoyed this moment with him.
We didn't talk, we just danced like no one else was in the room. "You wanna drink something?" He broke the silence and I nodded.

He held my hand and we walked to the bar. He looked at me, waiting for me to tell him what I wanted. "A virgin mojito please" he raised his eyebrow and smiled.
"You're not drinking?" He asked surprised. I shook my head. I decided I was done with that.
It ruined my relationship and I didn't need it anymore. "No, it's not worth it" I said, he smiled. He totally understood what I was trying to say.
"You look beautiful" he rubbed my hand softly, I intertwined our fingers and smiled at him. "And you always look so handsome" it wasn't a lie at all, I was so attracted to him.

He put his hand under my chin and pressed his lips against mine. God I missed his lips and kisses so much.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Our tongues touched each other as he pressed his body against mine.
"You wanna get out of here?" He mumbled on my lips and I nodded. He pulled me with him and I quickly looked at Selena.
She looked so happy and smiled at me. Who knew that she was actually gonna help me get back together with Max.


Max opened the door of his hotelroom and pulled me with him. He closed the door and pushed me against it. His lips crashed against mine.
He quickly picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him a few times.
He threw me on the bed and got on top of me.

It put my legs around his waist and pulled his body against mine. I guess we both missed each other a lot.
He put his arm under my body and unzipped my dress. I was happy I put on matching underwear.
He looked at me for a while, he was just scanning my body. He saw me like this a lot of times but he still looked at me like it was the first time.

We didn't have sex, but we were just laying in each other's arms. He was stroking my back again like he always used to do. Unfortunately I had to go because I had to pick up Kai from Charlotte's room.
I kissed his chest and tried to get up but Max quickly pulled me back down. "Please don't go" he grumbled.
"I have to get your son though, Charlotte will be worried" he grabbed his phone which was laying next to him and gave it to me. "Text her to ask if he can stay with her tonight" he looked at me and to be honest, I wanted to stay with him as well. I quickly texted her from Max's phone and as expected she agreed.

We both sighed relieved and I put my head against his chest again.
I realized I felt the happiest when I was laying in his arms.


A.N: I'm going to update Red Scars first so they run parallel.
So this book will be on pause for a while. 😇

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now