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Max's POV

My dad was standing next to me in the garage.
I've been up all night thinking how much my team fucked up with my contract. Christian assured me that he registered everything on time, so I guess I should just trust him.
"Just focus on the race, forget everything else" I nodded. We were in Jeddah so it was a difficult track. "Max are you listening?" He put his hand on my shoulder. "Yes dad, I'll focus on the race" he smiled and walked away, he probably went to find Helmut.

"Baby good luck, you can do this" Olivia walked up to me and put her arms around my neck.
"Thank you baby" I put my arms around her waist. I was actually happy to have her around.
She didn't ask any questions, she was just here for me. She pressed her lips on mine and kissed me good luck.


"You're doing a great job Max, think about your tires" I started in P3 and I was now on P2. Lewis was still leading the race. I knew I couldn't overtake him anymore. He was gonna win this race but I didn't care.
His car was much faster and I was thinking about other things.

I ended up in P2. Which also meant I had to do the press conference. I already knew what kind of questions they were gonna ask.
"Great job babe, try to stay calm, just tell them that you have no information about the whole situation" Olivia was going through everything while we were walking to the press conference. I nodded while listening.
"You can do this" she put her hand on my arm as we were walking in. She sat down next to Rylee and I sat down next to Lewis.

"Question for Max, do you still have a contract for this year?" I sighed, here we go. "I sighed a contract so yes" he nodded but I knew my answer wasn't enough for him. "But did Red Bull register your contract on time?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "I trust my team" I smiled and nodded at him.

They asked a couple questions about the race, they were mostly addressed to Lewis and Carlos. I knew my questions weren't going to be race related.
"Question for Max, what are you gonna do if you have to stop racing this season?" I sighed and started shaking my head. "Can we stop with these fucking questions? I thought these press conferences were for asking questions about the race, but if you have no questions about the race, then I'll leave." I got up and walked out of the conference room. Olivia followed me quickly.
"I am skipping the rest of the interviews, please fix it for me" I looked at her and she nodded.

I walked to my hospitality, I just wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible.
I posted a picture on Instagram earlier today and I decided to look at the comments, which was a mistake. Obviously everyone was asking about the contract.

Maxverstappen1: Gloves on, it's raceday 💪🏻

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Maxverstappen1: Gloves on, it's raceday 💪🏻

Liked by @Redbullracing, @RyleeWolff, @OliviaF1 and 629.839

@OliviaF1: c'mon champ!🧡
@LandoNorris: what a cutie
@user1: are the rumors true??
@user2: enjoy it, it's probably your last one.
@user3: pls don't let it be true 😢


"So is it true mate?" Daniel sat down next to me, he pointed at my phone. He probably saw the comments on my last picture as well. "I don't know man" we were sitting in the hospitality.
I noticed many engineers were trying to hear our conversation.
"What did Christian say?" Obviously he would never admit he made a mistake. A mistake that could ruin my season. "He said that he registered it on time. I guess time will tell" he nodded.
I was nervous, I just wanted to know. All I could was wait until they finished their investigation.

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