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As promised, Max picked me up and we went to a little restaurant. It was cute but as everything in Monaco, also very expensive.
"This will be our last lunch with just the two of us probably" I said smiling. I was so ready to pop this little one out. Max nodded. "It will be weird but I'm so ready for it" I was happy to hear that. He will be such a great dad. I knew that for sure. "Hopefully you'll be there when he is born" he looked down. He probably wanted to be there as well but he also had to race.
"I hope so too, I will really try" I smiled and rubbed his arm softly. He was such a great person.

It was actually nice to spend some time with Max, after the lunch, we decided to walk around Monaco a little bit. We talked about everything. It felt nice to not have secrets anymore. We could just tell each other everything. We didn't really talk about our relationships though. I knew he was happy with Olivia and I got to know Luca a bit more. We just texted back and forth and facetimed a few times.
He was actually really nice and Charlotte was right, he was hot as well.

"What do you say, ice cream?" Max looked at me and smiled. He probably remembered our first date. I certainly did. I nodded quickly and smiled.
"You still want banana?" I smiled because he still remembers what I like. It means he actually cares about me. "Yes obviously and you still want a plain vanilla one?" He gave me a nudge as he smiled. I guess that was a yes.
We both had the same ice cream as two years ago.
Everything was so different back then. I didn't even know who he was but I was so happy I got to know him. He quickly became the most important person in my life.

"Are you excited to win the championship this year?" I looked at him as we walked around. He chuckled a bit. "Of course I am, I miss my number one" we sat down together at the harbor. We were just looking at the boats.
Everything reminded me of him.
"Things will not change if we both get in relationships right?" I looked at him and he quickly looked at me. "Are you dating someone?" I shook my head and I think he looked a bit relieved. "Okay, no I don't want things to change. You'll always be important to me and I like to spend time with you" I nodded in agreement. I didn't just want to see him because he was the father of my child, I actually like to spend time with him a lot.

He walked me back to my apartment and kissed my cheek. He needed to take his plane to Baku. I was going to miss him. Hopefully he would be back in time.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now