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It was time for qualifying. I really wanted to win the championship this weekend. I always loved Mexico so it would be amazing to win it here.
I arrived way too early but I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the track already.
I guess no one would be here so I could relax a little bit.

To my surprise, Selena was already sitting in the hospitality. I smiled when I saw her, she was wearing something very colorful probably because we were in Mexico. "There is the sunshine of the paddock" I said as I sat down with her. "And there is the rebel of the paddock" she laughed and pushed her laptop away. I loved how she put her work away when she saw me. "You're early" I said as I got up to grab a coffee. "Yeah well I couldn't sleep" she said as she turned around to face me again. She gestured to bring a coffee for her as well.
I grabbed both of our coffees and put one in front of her. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself though"
I pointed at my neck. She got the hint because she immediately covered her neck, trying to cover the hickey. "Yeah well.." she looked down. She was probably embarrassed. "We've all been there, as long as you enjoyed yourself" I winked at her, I was trying to calm her down but I wondered who she spend the night with. Was it Charles?


I was walking to my garage, it was almost time for quali. I saw Charles walking to his garage, he nodded so I decided to stop him.  "Hi mate, ready for today?" I asked and he nodded smiling. "Yes I'm ready to be on pole" he smiled, he was looking happy. "What were you up to last night?" He looked at me weirdly, he probably didn't expect this question. "Uh, I just hung out with Carlos, why?" He said and I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Just asking mate, goodluck today" he nodded as we both went to our garages.
So he wasn't with Selena last night. I wondered who it could be.

I couldn't focus during quali. I was thinking about Selena. Why was I thinking about her though?
She was like a sister to me, she was probably my best friend on this paddock.
She picked me up when I was down and I would never forget that.
"That's P3 Max, good job nonetheless" GP said on my radio. I was still pleased with the result.
I didn't need to win this race anyways.

For once I was excited for the interviews. Not because of the interviews themselves but because Selena would be next to me, so I could try to find out who she slept with.
I was way more focused on her than on the interviews. She smiled at me a couple of times but she was not giving attention to anyone other than me.
One driver was giving her attention though. I saw George look at her almost the entire time. Was it him?

"You should tell George not to give you hickeys next time" I tried to laugh about it but I wanted to see how she would react.
"I don't know what you're talking about" she was looking at her phone but I could read her like a book. It was George. "Oh c'mon Selena, it's obvious" I pushed her playfully and she sighed.
"Okay but don't tell Christian please, I don't even know what to do" I looked at her, I wasn't bothered about her messing around with George, but I was bothered by the fact that she didn't look happy at all. "What do you mean?" I asked and she quickly looked around. "I like someone else, a lot" she looked up at me. It looked like she wanted to say something else but Rylee walked up to us, putting her hand on my back and kissing me quickly.
"Are you ready to go?" Rylee asked, but I was still looking at Selena. "Don't worry about it. Have a nice evening" Selena put her hand on my arm and smiled before walking away.

Who did she like? Was Daniel right? Did she like me? Fuck, why was I getting excited by that thought?

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now