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Rylee's POV

Warning: sexual content

We landed a couple of hours ago. I was excited to be back in my country and town. My parents would take care of Kai so Max and I could go on a little date together.

We were walking together through my town. I knew Max was thinking about his car and the upcoming races but he was still trying to be excited.

"I think we should grab some icecream and you can't order vanilla" I gave him a nudge. He always ordered vanilla but to be honest I always ordered banana. "And you can't order banana, only if you want mine" he laughed, pulling me closer. It felt so amazing to spend time with him.

RyleeWolff: guys, I convinced him to try something other than vanilla icecream!!

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RyleeWolff: guys, I convinced him to try something other than vanilla icecream!!

Liked by @RedBullRacing, @LandoNorris, @Charlottesine and 428.729 others.

@LandoNorris: what is that? Strawberry?
> @RyleeWolff: yes 😄
    > @LandoNorris: that's still basic!!
    > @MaxVerstappen1: vanilla is still the best
@Charlottesine: we need to plan a double date
@user1: they're so cute! 🥰


"Are you excited to meet my friends?" I looked at Max. They obviously already knew who he was but he never met them and to be honest, I haven't seen them in a while either. "Not at all, but I have no choice" he said but he laughed quickly after it.
"You don't have to meet them if you don't want to" I quickly said, I didn't want him to feel like he had to meet them. "Baby, I was joking. Obviously I wanna meet them." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the restaurant together.
We agreed to have dinner together.

We walked in together and I saw them sitting at a table already. "Hi guys, this is Max. Max these idiots are Emma and Laura" I pointed at them. Max smiled at them and sat down next to me. "It's so nice to finally meet you guys" I noticed how Laura was checking him out, she was a big fan of F1 so she probably couldn't believe I was actually dating Max Verstappen.
"Yes indeed, we almost thought she was lying about dating you" I rolled my eyes but Max put his hand on my thigh and smiled. "No she's definitely not lying about that."

The evening went great. Max got along with them and we were laughing the entire time. "So are you guys coming to the race?" He looked at them and they shrugged their shoulders. "You didn't give them passes?" He looked at me confused.
I didn't because I had no passes. I only had two and I gave them to my parents. "Well I can give you passes but then you guys will be in the Red Bull garage" I noticed how Laura was smiling.
She would probably prefer it to be at his garage anyways. "That would be great!" She said and looked at him smiling. I had a weird feeling in my stomach and I knew what it was. I was jealous.


We were back at our hotel. Kai was already asleep, probably not for long though.
"Your friends were nice" Max said and smiled at me. "Yeah Laura definitely liked you a lot"
I rolled my eyes and Max started laughing. He got on top of me and smirked. "You're sexy when you're jealous" I rolled my eyes again. Max started kissing my neck softly, followed by my chest and collarbone. I closed my eyes, I enjoyed his touches and kisses. He kissed my belly down to my thighs.
"Fuck Max" I moaned softly. His kisses were enough to make me crazy.

Not much later we were both naked. We undressed each other with so much love. I haven't seen him naked in so long I almost forgot how muscular and sexy he was. So unbelievably sexy.
He grabbed a condom and put it on. We were definitely not ready for another kid. I moaned as I felt him slide inside me. I put my legs around his waist and he moved slowly inside me. It's been so long since I had sex and sex with Max was the best one I ever had. "I love you so much" he whispered and pressed his lips against mine.
Our tongues couldn't get enough of eachother.
I couldn't get enough of him.

My hands traveled over his body while his dick was deep inside me. He put his face in my neck and kissed my neck a few times. It was definitely my weakness. I felt so close to him in this moment.
We both moaned on the same time, we probably also came around the same time.

After we made love, we were cuddling. "So that's another thing on your list done" he said and I laughed. He was probably referring to 'make love to the love of my life'. I kissed his chest quickly. "Who says you're the love of my life?" I laughed, hopefully he would get my sarcasm. He obviously was the love of my life. He was the only one who could make me feel like this.

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