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I was standing next to my parents in the Mercedes garage. I was holding Kai. It was the first time he would see his dad race eventhough it was only qualifying.
I haven't talked to Max since I walked out of his room the other night. He couldn't answer my question which said enough. If he had to choose between the championship and me, he would pick the first one. So I would give him that, I was gonna break up with him so Luca would stop messing with his car.

"Look, dad is out on track right now" I pointed at the screen and I saw how Kai started smiling. "And there is Daniel" he was so focused on the screen already. "He's gonna be a racer, I can see that already" Toto was standing next to me and I smiled. "Yeah, he has pretty good genes" he put his hand on my shoulder. "It will be fun to have the entire family in here soon" he smiled. He was referring to Max. Little did he know that his car would be competitive again soon.

Max ended on P5. Which wasn't that bad but obviously not what he was used to. He wouldn't be happy with this at all. "Can you hold Kai for one second please?" My mom nodded and took Kai from me.
I needed to go to their garage. I walked in and I saw Max taking off his helmet. "Max" I put my hand on his back softly. "What?" He said annoyed. I rolled my eyes, why was he acting like this. "Calm down please" I rubbed his back softly. "Calm down? With this piece of shit car? I want you to work on my car all night. Figure it out" he pointed at his head mechanic. He was obviously blaming him because he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

I saw Luca look at me. I knew I needed to do this while he was still here because Max wouldn't tell him I broke up with him. "Max, I think it's better if we break up." He looked at me, I wanted to walk away quickly but he grabbed my arm. "What the fuck? Are you serious right now?" I never saw him this mad, maybe this wasn't the right moment at all. "You couldn't even choose between your championship and me!" I raised my voice but I had tears in my eyes. I didn't want to cry but it actually broke me.
"Why should I? I can have both right?" His voice was much calmer now. He probably realized everyone was looking at us. "Yeah well, you can't" I just walked out of the garage as quickly as I could. I could hear him punching the table when I left.

I didn't want to cry in front of everyone. I smiled at my mom and took Kai in my arms. He was the only one who could keep me calm right now.

Not much later I was standing in front of the hospitality. I was waiting for my parents so we could go home. I obviously didn't want to stay with Max tonight. I looked at his mechanics. They were all going back to their hotel, Max send them all home except for his head mechanic. The poor guy had to work on the car all night.

Max was standing in front of his hospitality. He was holding a Red Bull. It didn't look like he was ready to leave. I knew he would stay with his mechanic as long as possible.

@F1News: what is going on at Red Bull? Another disappointing qualifying for Max Verstappen

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@F1News: what is going on at Red Bull? Another disappointing qualifying for Max Verstappen.
Sources tell us he stayed until 2 o'clock at the garage trying to fix the issue.

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@user1: I'm starting to feel bad for him
@user2: give the guy a competitive car pls
@user3: until 2? That's not healthy before a race!

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