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Rylee decided to stay in the hotel room today as well. She wasn't ready to face everyone and honestly I could understand.
I didn't want to get out either but I had to. I sighed as I walked in the paddock and was once again stormed by reporters.
Toto walked next to me and put his hand on my back. "Crazy right?" He pushed some people away as he walked with me through the paddock. "Yea it's your fault though" I chuckled a little and so did he. "Isn't Rylee coming today?" he asked as we were standing in front of the Mercedes hospitality. "No, she's trying to avoid as many journalists as possible." She was avoiding the track as much as possible. I don't think she was ready to all the questions just yet.
"And you're taking all the heat for her? That's nice of you" he said as he put his hand on my shoulder. It was not like I had a choice, I had to be here. "It's what good boyfriends do" I shrugged my shoulders. He nodded. "I hope you'll come to Mercedes" he said as he walked in his hospitality.
I turned around and saw Christian looking at me, he was standing in front of the Red Bull hospitality
I knew I wasn't gonna get away with this.

I walked to the hospitality and quickly nodded at him. As expected he didn't let me get inside without following me. "Walk with me Max" he said as we walked into the hospitality. I knew what was gonna happen. He was gonna tell me off for talking to Toto or he would offer me a contract.

"Sit down please" he said as he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down and looked at him. "So we want to know where your head is at right now" he sat down and crossed his arms.
"My head is at winning the constructors championship obviously" I responded and he just nodded his head. "And for next year?" He asked. Obviously he wanted to know if I was about to go to Mercedes or not. "Depends on what you offer me Christian. I haven't made a decision yet" he smiled. He probably didn't expect this answer. He probably thought it was a done deal.
"We obviously want to offer you a multi year contract, we don't wanna lose you so.." he pushed a contract in front of me. I quickly scanned over it. It was a huge contract, I knew Rylee couldn't offer me more than they were offering me but it was about more than just money.
"Thanks Christian, I will think about it" I pushed the contract back to him, I didn't want to take it with me because Rylee would want to see it.


The first practice sessions were done. We were in Vegas, it was a completely new track so it was difficult for all of us.
I was glad it was over and that I could go back to Rylee.

She was laying on the bed as I walked in. I quickly put my stuff down and laid down next to her.
"I am so happy to be with you again" I said as I pulled her into my arms. "How was it today?"
She asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really want to think about it anymore.
"Did you make a decision yet?" I sighed. I honestly just wanted to lay down with my girlfriend not with the Mercedes team boss. "No" she sat up a little and looked at me. "Max, I obviously want you with me" she looked me straight in the eyes and smirked. She started kissing my neck while crawling on top of me. "Did Christian offer you a contract yet?" She mumbled against my neck, her hand was trying to unbutton my pants. "Yes he did" I mumbled as her hand touched my dick softly.
Her lips found mine again. "What did he offer you?" She started stroking my dick and kissed my chest all the way down.
Fuck she was trying to get an answer out of me by getting me horny? Really? "A contract" I mumbled. I wasn't stupid. "Really Max?" She took her hand back and looked at me. "Really Rylee? You're trying to get an answer out of me by stroking my dick" once again she got up and walked to the bathroom.

Is this how it was gonna be from now on if I stayed at Red Bull?

@F1News: Will Verstappen stay at Red Bull or will he follow his girlfriend to Mercedes?

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@F1News: Will Verstappen stay at Red Bull or will he follow his girlfriend to Mercedes?

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@user1: He will obviously go with Rylee
> @user2: why would he though?
> @user1: because they're dating?
@user3: he will probably stay at RB. He loves them

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