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"Earth to Max, who are you texting?" Lando pushed me playfully. I was actually texting Olivia the entire time. She was pretty funny. It felt nice to talk to her. "None of your business" I laughed as I put my phone away and grabbed the controller.
"Are you ready to get your ass kicked?" We both laughed. Charles was on the phone with Charlotte, they had an argument about something because I could hear him from the other room.
"There is some trouble in paradise" I guess Lando noticed it too. "How are you and Luisa by the way?" I really liked Luisa, she was a genuinely friendly person. Lando just shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know, it's been weird between us lately" I guess everyone was having trouble right now.

Lando and I played a couple of games until Charles came back in the room. He sat down next to us, throwing his phone on the couch. "You okay?" He rolled his eyes. "Women.. she thinks I cheated on her. I don't even know why she thinks that" he grabbed the controller out of Lando's hands. I looked at the two of them. We were all having our own problems right now.
"So why did Rylee and you break up?" Charles looked at me. I never really explained it to anyone because I didn't want them to judge her but I was done protecting her.
"I was actually going to Mercedes last year" they both looked at me, I guess they thought it were just rumors. "But she shredded the contract so I thought they never offered me a contract" Lando widened his eyes and Charles just shook his head. "Wow that's actually pretty fucked up, why did she do that?" Honestly I didn't even know. I thought she really liked the Red Bull team but now she's working for Mercedes so I was confused. "I don't really know, she's Lewis' new PR manager right now" they both chuckled. They didn't say it, but I knew they were thinking how she fooled me and honestly they were right.


I was walking through the hallway of Lando's hotel. I was going to my own hotel, I promised Olivia I would not go to bed too late. I pressed the elevator button and when the doors opened, I saw the girl I didn't want to see once again. I walked in and nodded, leaning against the wall. She looked at me.
"Are you really gonna ignore me?" I really wasn't in the mood to fight. "I nodded?" She rolled her eyes. "What are you doing in my hotel by the way?" I chuckled. This girl was unbelievable.
"I didn't know you owned this hotel? Then why am I still paying for your apartment?"
Luckily the door opened and I tried to get out quickly but she grabbed my arm. "Seriously what were you doing here? Talking to Toto?"
I looked at her. Was she serious right now? "Why on earth would I ever wanna do that again?"
I took a step back and started walking out of the hotel. I quickly grabbed my phone.

You wanna come over?

Olivia 👅: I told you to go to bed early
Olivia 👅: but yes I do 😋

We can sleep together right?
Sleep and cuddle?

Olivia 👅: uhhhh yeeessss 🥰

I put my phone away smiling. Who would've thought that Olivia was actually a nice girl.
I was already looking forward to seeing her.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now