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I fell asleep while holding his hand. I felt someone moving around and I quickly looked up.
Max was awake, he was smiling at me, even though it was a fake smile. I saw the pain through his smile.
"Oh my God, you are awake" I quickly got up and put my arms around him. He grumbled a bit, I was probably hurting him even though he would never tell me to back away.
"Don't tell me I was asleep for years and Kai is now 10 years old" his voice was raspy but it was so sexy. I laughed as I sat down again. "No, he is 20 years old right now" he laughed and sat up. His face showed the pain he was in. "Fuck, you're still looking beautiful though for being 20 years older" we both laughed, I got up and pulled Kai out of his crib. Max smiled when he saw him.

We talked for a while. I told him everything that happened because he only remembered some parts of it. "So who won?" He looked at me while he was holding Kai. "Charles" he smiled, I knew he was happy for him and he was happy Lewis didn't win.
"So I texted Olivia earlier, she will be here soon" She deserved to know and I knew she wanted to be here with him. "Why?" He looked at me, I was confused. Why? She was his girlfriend.
"Because she's your girlfriend?" He put Kai back in my arms, he was probably in pain again. "We actually bro.." he couldn't finish his sentence because Olivia stormed in the room.
"Oh Max, I am so happy you're okay" she walked over to him and pressed her lips on his.

I was feeling uncomfortable so I decided to leave.
"Take care Max, text me when you wanna see Kai" he nodded and I walked out of his room.
I saw Christian walking in the hallway. I smiled at him, I didn't know if I should say hi or just walk passed him but he made the decision for me.
"How is Max doing?" I stopped walking and looked at him. "He's fine but he is in pain even though he will not admit it" It wasn't hard to see, he flinched his face whenever he moved.
"Are you going home?" I nodded and pointed at Kai. "This one needs some food" Christian smiled and looked at Kai. "When Max's is better, you need to come over for dinner. Geri is excited to see you again and meet Kai" I just nodded but I was confused. Didn't he know Max and I broke up? Wouldn't it be weird?
"I don't know if Max would like th.."
he interrupted me, putting his hand on my arm. "Trust me, he will like that" he smiled and walked off, going inside Max's room.


I was home for a couple of hours, I was so tired.
I was just scrolling through Instagram. I was smiling when I saw a picture of Max. He was wearing his mask to cover up his bruises.

F1news: Max Verstappen left the hospital earlier today

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F1news: Max Verstappen left the hospital earlier today.

Liked by @OliviaF1, @Redbullracing and 629.829 others.

@user1: I'm happy to see he's fine
@user2: he looks not great though
@user3: and fans still asking pics with him? He's just out of the hospital, leave the man alone.


I just got ready for bed when I got a text from Max.

Max 🧡 : hi sorry for texting so late
Max 🧡 : but can I also text you when I wanted to see both of you? Or only Kai?

Only Kai
You can always text me

Max 🧡 : can i come over?
Max 🧡 : I wanna see you
Max 🧡 : I fucking miss you

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