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Max told me to meet him in his room. He was staying for one more night before going to the next race. Unfortunately I had to catch the plane with my team later tonight so I had to meet him quickly.

I knocked on his door three times and he opened the door not long after. He looked tired, I could see it in his eyes.
"I am sorry Max, I was being so selfish"
I walked in and sat down on his bed. I couldn't even look at him. "Why did you shred the contract though?" He kneeled down in front of me, I looked down at him. His blue eyes were staring in mine.
"I just love the Red Bull team" I realized how dumb I actually sounded. I messed with his future because I liked the people at Red Bull. "Okay, why don't you just talk to me about these things instead of keeping things from me?" He was actually so calm right now. He matured so much in the past two years. "Because I was scared you wouldn't listen" he grabbed my hands, he was still looking up at me. "You were the love of my life, obviously I would listen but you said it was my decision and you made it for me." He was being soft and cute but he used the past tense.
I was the love of his life.

I wasn't ready to hear how he was over me. I wasn't ready to lose him completely. Life with him was actually amazing. I intertwined our fingers and pressed my lips against his, but he wasn't kissing me back, he was actually pulling away.

"Fuck I'm sorry" I got up and walked to the door, he followed me quickly and grabbed my arm. "Don't run away again. You'll always be important to me but I actually started to like Oli.." I didn't let him finish. I didn't want to hear it.
"Sorry I need to go" I smiled and quickly walked out of his room.


The team was already waiting for me, I followed them on the plane and sat down next to George.
I grabbed my phone, I quickly checked Instagram before going on airplane mode but I wish I never did. The picture I was looking at broke me.
Even though she tagged no one, I recognized who it was. I recognized the elevator because I was there a couple of hours ago. I now knew what he was about to say, he started to like Olivia.

"Who are we stalking today?" George laughed as he looked at my phone but he quickly stopped laughing. I guess it wasn't just me who recognized him. "I am sorry Rylee" he put his hand on my leg trying to comfort me.
I quickly put my phone away and looked through the window. He moved on, he really moved on.
I felt so lonely right now, I had no one anymore.
I realized everyone who was nice to me, was actually nice because they liked Max. Every driver on the grid was friends with him, except for Lewis.

OliviaF1: Love

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OliviaF1: Love...

Liked by @DanielRicciardo, @LandoNorris, @Alexalbon and 128.739 others

@Danielricciardo: finally!!
@user1: is that Max?
> @user2: dont think so, he didn't like the pic
> @user3: thats 100% Max

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