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Of course Max would be late to go to dinner with his boss. I was waiting for half an hour in our hotel room now. Max had to go to the factory, he told me he would be very quick but he still didn't come back.

The door opened and Max walked inside, he probably noticed I was annoyed because he immediately walked up to me and pressed his lips against mine. "Fuck I have a beautiful girlfriend" he looked at me. I was already wearing my dress and did my makeup. "Shut up and get dressed" he smiled and quickly walked in the bathroom. I didn't care about Christian but I just didn't want to be late for Geri. She probably put so much effort in it.

Luckily Max changed rather quickly so not much later we were on our way to their house. I was a little nervous. I was just praying it wouldn't be awkward.
It was Geri who opened the door and immediately looked at Kai who I was holding. "Oh my God he is so cute. Can I hold him?" I nodded smiling and put him in her arms. He was actually looking very cute right now because he was wearing a little Red Bull shirt, we thought it would be quite fitting here.

As we were walking in I was looking around. They had a massive house. I always dreamed about having a house with a garden for our kids and dogs.
I would love to live in England but I knew Max was happy in his apartment in Monaco.

Geri was giving me a tour of their house and garden. Max stayed with Christian, he probably already saw their house anyways. "How long have you and Max been dating now?" We both sat down with Kai, he was playing in the grass. "For about two years on and off" she nodded. "I always thought you guys were cute together" I smiled at her, she was always so nice to me. "And Christian?" I knew he probably wasn't that big of a fan. "He obviously didn't like it when he knew you were a Wolff, but trust me, he really likes you now." She looked at Christian through the window, he was talking to Max. "Max is like a son for him, he's more than just a driver" I kinda knew that already, thats why I wanted him to stay at Red Bull. Toto would always just treat him like another driver.


The dinner went well, we were mostly talking about the races. The next one would be in Hungary but we had a few weeks rest now. I would have a little rest, Max would probably have to go to the factory a lot.
I noticed how Kai was starting to be a little tired and luckily Max noticed it too. "Thank you so much for this dinner, but we have to go. This little one needs to go to bed" he pointed at Kai and Christian nodded. "Thanks for coming and don't forget to invite us for the wedding"
He said and I saw how Geri nudged him quickly. I was confused. Which wedding was he talking about?

Max and I got back to our hotelroom, we would probably stay here for the next couple of weeks. I wasn't looking forward to that. I hated these hotelrooms. "What was Christian talking about?" We were both standing in the bathroom, brushing our teeth. "What do you mean?" He looked at me. "Invite him to what wedding?" It was probably stupid but I wanted to know what he meant. "I have no idea, he probably was a little bit drunk or whatever" he put his toothbrush under the sink and pressed his lips quickly against mine. He probably wanted me to shut up about it.

I sighed probably a bit too loud. "You're still happy right?" He looked at me and put his hand on my cheek. I nodded. "Yes, but I'm not looking forward to stay here for a couple of weeks" Max knew I hated these hotelrooms but he couldn't do anything about it. This was the life we were living and I loved most parts of it.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now