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Rylee's POV

@MaxVerstappen1: Thank you Japan! Unfortunately we didn't get the win, but we'll try again next race!

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@MaxVerstappen1: Thank you Japan! Unfortunately we didn't get the win, but we'll try again next race!

Liked by @RedBullRacing, @SelenaRB, @RyleeWolff and 593.739 others.


I looked at the picture, he didn't win the championship yet. I sighed as I looked around the house he bought for us. We never even got time to buy furniture, it was a big empty place.

Selena and Charlotte both called me a few times. Mostly to check up on me but they also told me a few things that happened around the paddock.
George asking Selena out was probably the funniest of them all.

Max walked in and I immediately got of the ground. We both looked at each other. I've missed him, everything about him.
He sighed as he looked at me and he walked up to me. "How are you? You look good" he smiled, I missed his smile so much. "I'm alright, how are you?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Could be better" he looked around. "You didn't start decorating it yet?" He asked and I shook my head. He payed for the house and put it on my name after our break up.
I would never live here without him though. He was crazy if he was actually thinking that.

"Can I hug you please?" I looked at him, I was biting my lip. I knew he probably hated me but I missed him so much.
He didn't reply but opened his arms. I put my head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. It really felt like a hug we both needed.

"I am so sorry Max, I really am" I looked up at him, our lips were almost touching, God how much I wanted to kiss him. "I know you are" he took a step back but his hands traveled over my arms, until they reached the bracelet he gave me. I was still wearing it, I never took it off.
He looked at it and played with it. "Why did you do it though?" Fair question, but I didn't know the answer, I was so drunk. "Honestly Max, I don't know, I wish I could give you a better answer" he was still looking down, but then he looked up, straight in my eyes. "I miss you" he said, three words I was dying to hear. My heart jumped a little but my smiled dropped quickly. "but I just can't trust you"
He wanted to turn around but I grabbed his hand.
"Max please, give me a chance" he turned around, I missed even touching his hand. "How many chances do you expect me to give you?" I sighed, he was right.
"Can Kai and I come to America? We want to see you become world champion"

He doubted me so bad that he even doubted that Kai was his son. He wanted me to do a test to prove he was his kid. He send me an email a couple of days ago. I read it five times. I couldn't believe it at first.
I decided to ignore it, he was probably mad and wanted to get back at me. He didn't mention it so I guess he forgot about it.

"Yes of course but bring the results with you" he said before walking out. I put my hand through my hair.
Fuck he didn't forget about it.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now