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Max's POV

Rylee was looking extremely sexy right now. I just wish we could go home and have sex. I was so horny since this morning. I smiled at Olivia as I saw her walking up to us. "Hey boys, how are you all doing?" She put her hand on my shoulder. "Good how are you?" I looked at her and she chuckled a bit. "Rylee was telling a funny story" she looked at me smiling. "Yeah she's pretty funny" I tried to not ask more about it. I just wanted her to leave.
"She's telling everyone that you bought her a house even though she refuses to have sex with you" she laughed and I saw the boys looking at me now. "You bought her a house?" Charles quickly asked. "I bought us a house, for the both of us" Charles nodded. "But you guys don't have sex?" Lando quickly asked. I rolled my eyes. Why was she telling everyone about this? "Shut up mate, we obviously have sex" he chuckled at my response. I was getting annoyed.
"Excuse me" I said and walked away to the bathroom.

I wasn't in the mood to explain everything. Especially not to them, it was none of their business.
I was standing in front of the mirror. I sighed. I loved Rylee so much but sometimes she needed to keep her mouth shut.
"Max? Are you okay?" Olivia was standing in the opening of the door as she was looking at me. "You know this is the men's room right?" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. She caused this in the first place. She walked up to me and put her hand on my chest. "I would never refuse sex with you" I took a step back. Was she never giving up? Wasn't it obvious I was crazy about Rylee. I bought a house for us, I wanted to live with her and Kai. "She's telling everyone that you have blue balls, I can fix that you know." she walked up to me, I took another step back but I was blocked by the wall. She put her hand on my chest again and started to kiss my neck. I knew it was so wrong but she was making me weak. I felt her hand glide down on my chest and into my pants. Her fingers brushed against my dick. I was thinking with my dick instead of with my head. Fuck. "No thanks, Rylee will fix that" Luckily my brain took over again and I walked passed her quickly. She chuckled and looked at me. "Good luck with that"

I quickly walked back to the boys. Daniel laughed as he saw me. "Did you just see a ghost?" I grabbed my drink. "Something much scarier mate" He chuckled a little but didn't ask for more details. I looked at Rylee, she was looking at he bathroom when Olivia got out of the men's room. Fuck I definitely had some explaining to do because she looked at me not much after.

"Are you going back to Monaco before we head to Hungary?" Charles asked as he looked at me. I didn't really talk about it with Rylee but I guess we were going back for a couple of days. "Uh yes I think so, why?" I was still looking at Rylee, a couple of guys were standing with them.
"Charlotte really wants a double date, so maybe we can fix that for our girls?" he answered and I nodded. "Yeah sounds good" I quickly said. The guys were still bothering them. Charles looked at me and I guess he followed my eyes. I looked at him "Let's go"

We walked to our girls, I put my arm around Rylee's neck and pulled her closer to me. Charles did the same thing with Charlotte. "Can we help you?" I looked at the guys, they quickly took a step back. "We were just asking if they wanted something to drink" one of the guys said.
I chuckled. "They don't want anything, now get lost" They nodded and starting to walk away.
"Are you okay?" I looked down at Rylee and she nodded. She put her arm around my waist but I knew something was bothering her.

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