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Max's POV

I walked to my side of the garage. Rylee was right, they hired Luca. I walked up to him and patted his back. He quickly looked at me, he looked scared.
Why was he scared to see me? "Welcome in our team mate, sorry for what happened though"
I actually felt a little bad about what happened so I was happy they hired him so maybe he could forget about the whole thing.
"Yeah whatever, I'm just happy to work for the winning team" he smiled and I nodded.
I guess he didn't really care, I was happy about that.

I was leaning on the table, looking at the data that we gathered during the practice sessions. There was something weird with the car. My head mechanic was standing next to me. "Did you change anything on the car?" I looked at him and he started shaking his head. "Nothing spectacular no, it's weird huh?" I nodded, maybe it was just a bad practice.

I got in my car, I was ready for quali. I was lacking so much pace. It felt like my car was slower than the safety car. "Talk to me, hellooo? What's happening?" I asked over the radio. "P10" GP just said. I was so confused.
I drove into the pitlane and jumped out of my car.
My head mechanic walked to me.
"Change everything" I said. I was furious, I don't know what they did to the car but they seriously fucked up. "We'll receive penalties Max" I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really care. "Then find out what the fuck happened with the car" Daniel's car was doing fine so what was happening with my car?

I stayed with my team in the garage. It didn't feel right to leave them when they had to work on my car all evening. Rylee walked in, looking beautiful as ever. "Are you staying here?" She asked softly, she stood next to me. "Yes, I will not make it too late though" she nodded and kissed my lips quickly. She wanted to walk away but I grabbed her arm softly, she flinched a little. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?" She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "No, sorry I just didn't expect it" I pulled her closer to me and pressed my lips against hers. I just wanted to feel her tongue against mine. She smiled on my lips. "I will miss you" I whispered on her lips and I could feel how she was smiling even more.

I finished my third Red Bull when my mechanics finished working on the car. Luca walked up to me and stood next to me. "We are done, hopefully it will be fixed" I nodded and smiled at him. "Thanks mate, I really appreciate it" I was tired, I was ready to go back to my hotel. "What do you think? One drink?" Luca asked, I looked at him. He worked all evening on my car, one drink wouldn't hurt. "Why not. Let's go" he seemed excited, maybe he wasn't that bad after all.


We were sitting at the bar with a couple other engineers. "So Max, is it true that you dated Olivia?" Luca asked, he smiled and I nodded. "For a little while yeah" he patted my back laughing.
"You've great taste in women" I rolled my eyes laughing. I guess we had the same type. I looked at my phone, it was late. "I am going back to the hotel, I should catch some sleep. Thanks for working so hard" I smiled at my mechanics.
I was really happy with them.

Rylee was already asleep when I walked in the room. It was already 1 o'clock so I would not have much sleep but I was used to that lately.
I crawled next to her and pulled her into my arms.
I kissed her cheek softly. She was so perfect.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now