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Max' POV

We arrived in Mexico. I wanted to organize a fun event for Selena and I but unfortunately I wasn't as creative as she was.
She was being weird during the dinner with Rylee and Charles and I knew it wasn't because she was tired. I recognized when she was tired.

I looked at her and she walked in with George.
I crossed my arms as I leaned against the wall of the hospitality. I didn't even know they actually talked to each other. "What are we looking at?" I heard a voice say, Charles was standing next to me and he looked in the same direction. "Just wondering when they became friends" I knew he was looking at them as well. "How do they even know each other?" Charles said and I could hear the frustration in his voice. "Same way as she knows you obviously" I looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. She was always walking around this paddock so obviously they knew each other. I didn't like George but why was Charles so bothered about it?

Selena kissed George's cheek and walked up to us.
Charles crossed his arms quickly as he looked at her.
"Uh, did I do something wrong?" She said as she looked at the both of us.
"Since when are you so close with George?" Charles quickly answered. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. What have gotten into him?
"None of your business" she walked passed us and in the hospitality.

I turned to Charles. "Are you in love with my PR manager mate?" I chuckled. He was obviously gonna deny it but I could see it in his eyes.
He was jealous. "Ha, no" he said while shaking his head and he walked back to his Ferrari hospitality.
I chuckled as I walked in the hospitality.
I totally got it though, Selena was amazing. She cheered me up in my darkest days, never lied, her laugh was the best thing to hear after a tough race and she was always trying to fix my messes.


"Are you free the night after the race?"
I walked with Selena to yet another marketing thing. "Yes I guess so, why?" She looked up at me smiling. "You have to attend an event, but I will go with you" I said, she laughed so she remembered when she told me that exact sentence.
"Ew no really? What kind of event?" She grumbled but she couldn't keep a straight face.
"Oh just wear something casual, you know. Black tshirt and jeans" I said and she started laughing. If she could make fun of my choice in clothes than I definitely could as well.
"I am looking forward to it already" she put hear hand on my arm and smiled. I loved to see her smile.

@MaxVerstappen1: Big boys and big trucks

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@MaxVerstappen1: Big boys and big trucks

Liked by @RyleeWolff, @RedBullRacing, @SelenaRB and 652.839 others

@RyleeWolff: 🧡
@LandoNorris: where are the big boys?
   > @DanielRicciardo: i was taking the pic
   > @SelenaRB: excuse you, I was taking the pic
@user1: let's hope you'll win it here!


"How are you and Rylee doing?" Daniel asked as he was standing next to me. We were filming something for the marketing team. "Yeah good we made up" I opened my Red Bull and took a sip.
"I think Selena likes you though" he said and I looked at him quickly. "What? No I don't think so" I looked back at her, she was talking to someone of the marketing team. Everyone liked having her around. "Yeah she does, she definitely has a crush on you. I don't know what you do to your PR managers but it's working" he laughed as he patted my back a couple of times.

I just stared at her until she caught me looking at her. She smiled and turned her face a little while waving at me. I smiled back at her.
I definitely liked her too, I wasn't really sure in what way though. Was it just friendly or was it more than that?

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