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Warning: sexual content

"Wake up baby" Max was kissing my cheek a couple of times. I grumbled, why was he awake already. "Don't you have to go to the factory?" I mumbled and put my head under the sheets.
He chuckled and got under the sheets with me, I felt how his fingers were going over my body and in my panties. "Max.. not now" I mumbled but he didn't stop. He started kissing my neck softly and rubbed his fingers slowly over my clit. It actually felt amazing, I turned around so I was laying on my back. I opened my legs a bit more, it was a sign for him to slide his fingers inside me. I moaned at the feeling. "Max.. I.." I had trouble speaking. He made me so weak. "Shh.. just relax and enjoy"
I closed my eyes and enjoyed every little touch.
His fingers inside of me, his kisses against my neck and his other fingers playing with my nipple.
He moved his hand from my nipple to my cheek and turned my face to him. He pressed his lips against mine, his tongue was trying to find mine.

I was so incredibly horny right now, I wanted to feel him inside me. I turned my body to him, causing him to slide his fingers out of me. I could feel his dick against me. My fingers pulled his underwear down. I brushed my fingers against his dick, he definitely was ready for it and so was I.
I pulled my panties down, I was still holding his dick while jerking it off slowly. He moaned against my lips. "Fuck.. please" I wanted to tease him a little bit more. I let his dick slowly slide in me but let it slide out again. He looked at me and I smirked. "I think we have to get up no?" I chuckled as he started shaking his head. "Ugh no please no, don't do this" his voice cracked a little.
I got out of the bed, pulling my panties back on and walked to the bathroom.

I could feel Max's eyes looking at me. I heard him curse a little as he fell down in the bed. I knew many people would just let Max fuck them there and then.
But I knew Max, he would be so horny all day that he would tease and touch me all day until I gave him what I wanted.

As walked out of the bathroom and hour later I saw Max still laying in bed. He got dressed but was just scrolling on his phone. "Do you have a day off?"
I looked at him and he nodded, still looking at his phone. "Yes so I planned somethi.." he looked at me and rolled his eyes. "C'mon do you really need to be this hot all the time?" He sighed and I chuckled. "What did you plan?" I crawled on top of him, smirking down at him. Not much later I could feel his dick against my body again. "I should just cancel it because I want to stay here with you all day" his hands were once again traveling over my body, he let them rest on my ass. "No baby, we should go out" I said as I was kissing his neck. "Oh c'mon a quick one please?" He grumbled, he was squeezing my ass and pulling my body against his.
I sat up on him, moving my hips on his dick. "But baby I'm not in the mood anymore" I bit my lip looking down at him and got up.

He sighed even louder and put his hand through his hair. "Fine but give me a second for this one to calm down" he pointed at his dick.
He was probably hoping we would have sex tonight but he forgot that we had to attend Charles' birthday party.

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now