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I really wanted to stay with Rylee and Kai but I had to leave for the next race which was in Miami.
They obviously couldn't join so they stayed in Monaco. It felt weird to leave them behind.

"I am so happy to see you again" Olivia put her arms around my neck and kissed my lips quickly.
I've missed her too, it felt weird to not have her around. I started to get used to having her around.
"I'm happy to see you too baby" I mumbled on her lips. "How is Kai doing?" She looked in my eyes and smiled. It looked like a genuinely smile, I loved how supportive she was. "He's perfect"
She put her hand on my arm. "Just like you"
I grabbed her hand and walked with her through the paddock. I was happy to see her again.

I walked with her to the garage. Daniel was already standing in the garage. I walked up to him, giving him a pat on his back. "You good mate?" He turned around and nodded. "Yes, how are you?"
I just nodded, I was fine but tired as hell.
"You're doing a track walk?" Daniel looked at me. We both didn't really like doing track walks but we both didn't really knew this track so it may be useful. "Sure, are you coming too?" He nodded and walked with me to the track.
I kissed Olivia quickly on her lips before leaving her to do the track walk.

"So is Kai coming to any races?" Daniel looked at me and smiled. I knew he already loved his godson very much. "No, only to Monaco I think. He will be staying with Rylee's parents for most of the races" Daniel nodded. Rylee and I both traveled the world a lot so it was not going to be easy to bring Kai to many races. He was definitely too little for now.

Charles was also doing a track walk, we walked to him and quickly shook his hand. "You good mate?" He nodded, he also seemed tired. "Luca wanted me to tell you congratulations"
I looked at him confused. I don't know anyone who's name is Luca. "Who's that?" I asked.
"A new engineer, he's been talking to Rylee a lot, I think they like each other" she didn't tell me anything about that. We didn't really talk about our relationships though.
I guess she was moving on as well and how could I blame her.
I was happy for her but I had a weird feeling in my stomach.

@RedBullRacing: bromance in Miami 🙏🏼

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@RedBullRacing: bromance in Miami 🙏🏼

Liked by @MaxVerstappen1, @OliviaF1, @DanielRicciardo and 482.820 others

@MaxVerstappen1: love of my life 🧡
> @DanielRicciardo: forever 🥰
> @LandoNorris: hi
> @DanielRicciardo: go away geezer
@user1: best pairing of the grid
@user2: Maxiel 🥰

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now