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It took a long time to organize his party but Martin and Selena were a great help.
I would take him to the club straight after the race.
I already knew he would probably grumble and try to convince me to go to bed instead but I couldn't let that happen. He would never expect everyone to be there.

"Why didn't you bring Kai?" Max looked at me as we were sitting in his drivers room. "All the flying is not healthy for him" I said, which wasn't a lie but I also couldn't take him to the club after the race. He nodded, I knew he must miss having him around. "Baby I love you so much, thank you for always supporting me" he suddenly said. I could actually see how genuinely he was in his eyes. "I love you too Max, I will always support you" I walked up to him and kissed his lips softly. He pulled me on his lap and deepened the kiss. I could still taste the Red Bull on his tongue. "Let's win this race" I mumbled against his lips and he nodded. He was on a winning streak, I was hoping it wouldn't change.


"Is everything ready for tonight?" Selena asked. The race was already halfway, so I texted Martin a couple of times already. "Yes Martin is there already with a couple of his friends" Selena smiled and clapped her hands. "I am so excited, I will get so drunk" she laughed and so did I. She was so bubbly and I loved her energy. We never really talked about what happened that night again, it's like we both forgot about it.

Max won the race again, it was getting kind of boring this way but I didn't mind. I think no one really minded except for the other teams.

@RedBullRacing: Birthday celebrations

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@RedBullRacing: Birthday celebrations

Liked by @MaxVerstappen1, @ChristianHorner, @RyleeWolff and 510.639 others

@RyleeWolff: baby 🥰
@SelenaRB: Haaaaappy birthdaaay
@LandoNorris: Happy birthday big boy!
@user1: that's one pathetic cake


"Do we really have to go clubbing now?" As expected Max started grumbling about going out.
I totally understood that he was tired after racing for two hours but it was the only day everyone could make it. "Yes please baby it's your birthday"
I walked to him and pulled him up. "And please wear something nice" I said and I saw him rolling his eyes. "Yes mom" he chuckled and walked to the bathroom of our hotel.

It took him longer than normal to get ready. He probably was not in the mood at all but I knew that would change soon. He would be drunk before he would even know it.
He walked out of the bathroom and smiled. "Fancy enough?" He said as he looked at me and I nodded.
He was dressed in all black, it was my favorite color on him. "Let's go birthday boy" I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.
It was gonna be an amazing night, I was looking forward to it.

The lion is coming!

Martin: Yes! We're ready 🎉

Regrets with Wolff - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now